Monday, November 28, 2016

Ten Year Blogaversary Giveaway #6 There Will Be Stars by Billy Coffey

About the book:

No one in Mattingly ever believed Bobby Barnes would live to see old age. Drink would either rot Bobby from the inside out or dull his senses just enough to send his truck off the mountain on one of his nightly rides. Although Bobby believes such an end possible—and even likely—it doesn’t stop him from taking his twin sons Matthew and Mark into the mountains one Saturday night. A sharp curve, blinding headlights, metal on metal, his sons’ screams. Bobby’s final thought as he sinks into blackness is a curious one—there will be stars.

Yet it is not death that greets him beyond the veil. Instead, he returns to the day he has just lived and finds he is not alone in this strange new world. Six others are trapped there with him.

Bobby soon discovers that rather than the place of peace he had been led to believe he was in, it’s actually a place of secrets and hidden dangers. Along with three others, he seeks to escape, even as the world around him begins to crumble. The escape will lead some to greater life, others to endless death . . . and Bobby Barnes to understand the deepest nature of love.

Paperback, 416 pages
Published May 3rd 2016 by Thomas Nelson

About Billy:
Billy and his wife, Joanne, live with their two children in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. A product of his small-town locale, Billy counts as assets his rural authenticity, unwavering sense of purpose, and insatiable curiosity--all of which tend to make his front porch a comfortably crowded place.

The rules to enter are simple . . .

1. You must be a follower of my blog to enter. If you aren't your entry will be disqualified.
2. You must leave your email in the comment section, if you don't your entry will be disqualified.
3. This contest is open to the U.S. only!
4. If you win, you have 24 hours to respond to my email with your address, if you don't I will choose another winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Occupied by Craig Parshall

About the book:

From New York Times bestselling author Craig Parshall comes a riveting story of supernatural suspense.

As a youth, Trevor Black unleashed spiritual forces he couldn't comprehend. Years later, Trevor is a high-flying criminal defense lawyer in New York City, with a six-figure Aston Martin and a trophy wife. But in an extraordinary turn of events, he receives a burdensome gift: the ability to perceive the invisible. And the dark forces he now sees are all gunning for him.

When one of Trevor's hometown friends is murdered, the MO is eerily similar to a shocking trail of murders that have already crossed the lawyer's path. So Trevor must return home to find the killer. . . and face not only his own personal demons, but supernatural ones as well.

About Craig:

Craig Parshall is a New York Times and CBA bestselling fiction writer and columnist who has authored or co-authored eleven suspense novels. He is also a Washington DC insider and consultant who serves as special counsel to the American Center for Law and Justice.  

My Thoughts:

I am a huge Frank Peretti fan, and this new book by Craig has the feel of Peretti. A thriller, encompassed with spiritual warfare. I was drawn into the book immediately and hated to put it down. 
I didn't read it before bed though, only during daylight hours. I knew that I'd have very vivid dreams.
A great book, that I recommend!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Tips To Writing a Good Book Review

I've been writing reviews for almost ten years, and in the last few years I've noticed reviewers and bloggers alike regurgitating the book in their review. The whole point of writing a review is to help promote the book for the author, kind of hard to influence someone to purchase the book if the review tells what the book is about. A review is your opinion of the book, not a breakdown of the book. When I write a review I think about how the characters made me feel, did they evoke emotion, and what emotion did they evoke. I know how hard it is to write a review and not give away certain points. For me reviewing and promoting Christian authors is a ministry and by giving away too much of the book I feel as if I am doing the authors a disservice. I want their book to succeed as much as they do.

Here are some tips on how to write a good book review . . .

As you read the book, take notes, I have to do this mainly because I have short-term memory loss. I also use the little post it flags in the book so I remember parts that meant a lot to me. On my kindle I use the high-light feature. Then when I write my review I have my kindle or notes right beside me.

What makes this book different from the others you've read, and if you recommend it, why?

Does the book fit in the genre it is identified in, if not, why?

What are the major themes of the book? Can you sum up the book in one word/sentence?

Does the author's writing style fit the targeted audience? ie. . . .Young adult, Fantasy, Historical, Historical Romance, Speculative . . .
The writing style coincides with the genre to a small degree.

These are just a few suggestions, and thinking about these may help you write a review without adding too much of the story.
Most authors, and book buyers want to know if you liked it and why, they don't want to know the entire book, that takes away the fun for a reader and a sale for an author.

One thing a reviewer should never, ever do, is trash the author if for some reason you and the book didn't become friends. In my 10 years of blogging, I haven't had very many, but I have had a few and I always start with a positive, end with a positive, and say that just because I didn't like it, if you like this genre please give it a try.

Happy Reading!

First Line Friday, Jaded by Varina Denman

About the book:

Ruthie Turner resents the Christians in her small Texas town, but when she falls for the new preacher, she must release her bitterness...and learn to love. On the surface, nothing seems to change in this dull town-yet God always works beneath the surface.

First Line:
"Ruthie, did you hear? There's a new kid up at the school."  

Visit these bloggers, see their first lines and leave your comment in the comment section.

Rachel at Bookworm Mama
Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish
Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower
Sydney at Singing Librarian
Heather at Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen

I currently have a 10 year blogversary giveaway going on right now. You can enter to win a copy of Jaded by Varina Denman,

To enter you must . . .
1. Follow my blog, if you are not a follower your entry will be disqualified.
2. Leave a blog comment with your email address, if you don't you also will be disqualified.
3. This giveaway is open to US residents only.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ten Year Blogaversary Giveaway # 5 - Jaded (Mended Hearts book 1) by Varina Denman

In 2015 I was asked to review a book by a new author, and as most promoters and publishers in the Christian community know, debut authors are one my favorite peeps to review for, I love being apart of their journey, and in the 10 years of blogging I've read a number of debut books whose authors are now on the NY Times Bestseller list. The book I was asked to review was Jaded by Varina Denman. I fell in love with this book and this series. So, this week I will be giving away a copy of this book.

About the book:

Ruthie Turner resents the Christians in her small Texas town, but when she falls for the new preacher, she must release her bitterness...and learn to love. On the surface, nothing seems to change in this dull town-yet God always works beneath the surface.

Rules for the giveaway:

1. You must be a follower of my blog to enter. If you aren't your entry will be disqualified.
2. You must leave your email in the comment section, if you don't your entry will be disqualified.
3. This contest is open to the U.S. only!
4. If you win, you have 24 hours to respond to my email with your address, if you don't I will choose another winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sandie Bricker . . . Live Out Loud Fiction. . .

I was introduced to Sandie in 2010, her book Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida was the first book I read and reviewed of hers. I remember giggling my way through that book, and every book I read and reviewed of hers since then has been filled with her Live Out Loud Fiction. I never had the opportunity to meet her in person and I am saddened by that. She loved her readers and always took the time to answer an email or stop by and leave a comment on a blog review.
Like most of the Christian fiction community I am saddened and shocked to learn of her sudden death. While writers will continue to write, and readers will continue to read, the Christian fiction community lost a gem, and will not be the same.
I know she is in Heaven spreading her wit and joy around, she's probably laughing and joking with Christ around the throne. I will miss her and her writing, I thank Jesus for bringing her into my life six years ago and introducing me to her. If you have not read a Sandie Bricker novel I highly recommend you pick up a copy, I guarantee that you will not be sorry.

Love you, Sandie!

Carol J. Post’s ‘Trust My Heart’ $75 Cozy Cash Giveaway

About the book:

Trust My Heart (Waterfall Press, October 2016)

Grant McAllister arrives in Murphy, North Carolina, with one aim: to sell his inherited property and leave as quickly as possible.

The big-city lawyer has no interest in his late, estranged grandparents or the dilapidated mansion he just acquired. After his high-profile divorce, he should be avoiding perky reporters, too. But Jami Carlisle is honest, funny, and undeniably appealing.

After breaking up with her safe-but-smothering boyfriend, Jami is determined to ace her first big assignment. A story about the McAllister estate is too intriguing to ignore---much like its handsome, commitment-phobic heir. Thanks to her digging, the pieces of Grant's fraught family history are gradually fitting into place, but also upending all his old beliefs.

The two draw closer as they share their dreams, until misread signals and misunderstandings begin to test their trust. But in the unspoiled beauty of the Smoky Mountains, there's healing and forgiveness to be found. And for Grant, this unplanned detour may be just what's needed to finally guide him home...

Purchase a copy:
 About the author:
From medical secretary to court reporter to property manager to owner of a special-events decorating company, Carol J. Post's résumé reads as if she hasn't yet decided what she wants to be when she grows up. But one thing that has remained constant through the years is her love of writing. She started as a child composing poetry for family and friends, then graduated to articles for religious and children's publications. Now she pens fun, fast-paced inspirational romance and romantic suspense stories. Her books have been nominated for an RT Reviewers' Choice Best Book award and selected as an RT Top Pick. When Carol isn't writing, she enjoys sailing, hiking, camping---almost anything outdoors. She also plays the piano and sings with her music-minister husband. Their two grown daughters and their grandkids live too far away for her liking, so she now pours all her nurturing into taking care of a fat and sassy black cat and a highly spoiled dachshund.

Will an unplanned detour finally guide Grant home and find love with an honest, funny, and undeniably appealing reporter named Jami? Find out in a heartwarming romance by Carol J. Post, Trust My Heart. Grant McAllister arrives in Murphy, North Carolina, with one aim: to sell his inherited property and leave as quickly as possible. After breaking up with her safe-but-smothering boyfriend, Jami is determined to ace her first big assignment. A story about the McAllister estate is too intriguing to ignore—but as the two draw closer as they share their dreams, misread signals and misunderstandings begin to test their trust.

Join Carol in celebrating the release of Trust My Heart by entering to win her $75 Cozy Cash Giveaway.


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A copy of Trust My Heart

  • A $75 Visa cash card

  • A basket full of goodies made in North Carolina to keep you cozy in the cooler fall weather


Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on November 23. The winner will be announced November 28 on Carol's blog.

My Thoughts:
I love small town settings, and this book has that in spades. It was also full of quirky, fun characters that pull you right into the story, there is also a bit of mystery surrounding the house that Grant inherits, which adds the the fun of the book. Both Grant and Jami have trust issues and they find themselves in several situations where they are having to trust each other.
This was an absolutely fun book!


The Remnant by Monte Wolverton

In the year 2069 the Apocalypse came and went, but Jesus didn't show up, as some expected.

Instead, a cataclysmic war, natural disasters and pandemics eradicated 90 percent of earth's population. Now, in 2131, a totalitarian government rules the world from the majestic, opulent capitol of Carthage, Tunisia. Blamed for igniting the war, religion and religious books are banned. Citizens who will not renounce their religion are sent to work camps.

Grant Cochrin, imprisoned in a bleak petroleum camp in what was once North Dakota, leads his family and friends to escape and embark on a long, dangerous quest for a Christian community. Their resource in this journey? A cherished page torn from the now banished Bible---a remnant of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount handed down from Grant's grandparents. 

What if there were an Apocalypse and Jesus didn't return? What if the survivors found themselves living in a world ruled by a totalitarian government, where religion is forbidden and all religious texts have been destroyed?

In The Remnant, award-winning author Monte Wolverton tells the tale of a band of concentration camp escapees who trek through the lawless American wilderness on a quest for authentic Christianity, only to come face to face with an unthinkable dilemma. The Remnant is a fast-paced story punctuated with dry satire, memorable characters and hard questions about religious institutions.

Purchase a copy:
Monte Wolverton is an award-winning author and syndicated editorial cartoonist. He is associate editor of CWR magazine. He is an ordained minister and holds a MA from Goddard College in Vermont. Along with his wife Kaye, he makes his home in southwest Washington State.

My Thoughts:

This is a book with a mixture of dystopian and spiritual warfare, it was quite an interesting read. I really liked how the author included all religious beliefs into this book and how it tested faith and belief. If you enjoy either genre or just one this is a definite must read!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Storm (Stone Braide Chronicles book #3) by Bonnie Calhoun

About the book:

Selah has survived the forces of both man and nature to reunite her family. But her happiness is short-lived as they are forced into a barren world of volcanic ash that conceals the storm boiling beneath. The clock is ticking and Selah's abilities are growing--along with the list of those out for her blood.

Selah feels unworthy of her status as a novarium and is tortured by the knowledge of lives lost to protect her. Her physical and mental abilities will tempt her to be reckless, but she must learn to wield such power responsibly. Time is running out as more lives are tragically cut short and the search for the Third Protocol takes Selah into lands that have fallen into legend. Can Selah follow the trail of ancient artifacts and finish the quest? Or have she and her companions pinned their hopes on nothing more than a fanciful story?

Calhoun's characters race headlong into an explosive combination of futuristic technology, age-old greed, and the sacrifices for love that drive them to impossible choices.

About Bonnie:
I love action adventure but it doesn't make me happy unless there are...body count, blood, and blowing things up. I play with mad skills at coding HTML and website design and live in a log cabin in the woods with fifteen acres, an old apple orchard, and a pond full of bass though I'd rather buy fish at the grocery store. I share my domain with a husband, and two cats who think I'm the waitstaff! 

 My Thoughts:

First, is the cover of this book not gorgeous?! I love covers of books, and this one is not only pretty, it fits the book.
I am sad to see this series come to an end. I have enjoyed Selah, her family and all the other characters in this great series. Bonnie is true to action, body count, blood and blowing things up in this book. Watching Selah grow and continue her father's quest made this a great end to a wonderful series.



Friday, November 18, 2016

First Line Friday The Wedding Shop by Rachel Hauck

About the book:

From New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes The Wedding Shop.
Two women separated by decades. Both set out to help others find their dreams when their own have crumbled.
It’s the early 1930s, but Cora Scott is walking in stride as a career woman after having inherited her great aunt’s wedding shop in Heart’s Bend, Tennessee, where brides come from as far away as Birmingham to experience her famed bridal treatment. Meanwhile, Cora is counting down the days until her own true love returns from the river to make her his bride. But days turn into months and months to years. All the while, Birch Good continues to woo Cora and try to show her that while he is solid and dependable, he can sweep her off her feet.
More than eighty years later, former Air Force Captain Haley Morgan has returned home to Heart’s Bend after finishing her commitment to military service. After the devastating death of her best friend, Tammy, and discovering the truth about the man she loved, Haley is searching for her place in life.
When Haley decides to reopen the romantic but abandoned wedding shop where she and Tammy played and dreamed as children, she begins a journey of courage, mystery, and love.
As Cora’s and Haley’s stories intertwine through time in the shadow of the beloved wedding shop, they both discover the power of their own dreams and the magic of everyday love.

First Line:
April 1930 Heart's Bend, Tennessee

The morning began like every other weekday, with Cora making her way up the back walk to the shop, unlocking the door and clicking on the lights.

Visit these ladies and read their first line and leave yours in the comments.

Rachel at Bookworm Mama

Heather at Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen

Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish

Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower

Sydney at Singing Librarian

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sleigh Bells Ring by Sandie D. Bricker, Lynette Sowell, Barbara J. Scott, and Lenora Worth

About the book:

Santa Claus is coming to town, and so are the Tucker sisters.

Never mind a pony. The Tucker girls have inherited their father’s horse farm for Christmas. Make that . . . a run-down horse farm. It needs some serious TLC in order to make it sell-ready. Joanna knows that by recruiting her sisters and one handsome ranch hand they can fix up the place and even celebrate one last Christmas while they’re at it. However, to Isabella, returning to their home in Kentucky bluegrass country for Christmas seems like an impossible hurdle. Can her Chicago boyfriend make life merry and bright again?

One thing’s for sure—nothing is peace on earth for Sophia as a new beau brings up old wounds. And when the fate of the horse farm is put in jeopardy because Amy accidentally fraternizes with the enemy, tensions rise. But it’s not like the land developer stole Christmas . . . just her heart.

Can the Tucker sisters have themselves a merry little Christmas?

My thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book. I've read other novella collections and I liked how one story flowed into the next as if it was one book. Each of the sisters were snarky, and fun loving. This is a perfect book to get you into the holiday spirit.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Winner for Blogaversary Giveaway # 3



The Thorn Healer (Penned in Time book 3) by Pepper D. Basham

About the book:

Jessica Ross' scars run much deeper than the wounds of war. Determined to escape the ghosts of her past and the German influence on her nightmares, she returns home to the sleepy Appalachian town of Hot Springs, NC, only to find the renowned Mountain Park Hotel has been converted into a 'prison' for displaced Germans. To Jessica's dismay, her grandparents have befriended one of the treacherous internees.

August Reinhold has not only found kinship with Jessica's grandparents, but as they share their granddaughter's letters from the Front, he discovers a surprising bond drawing him toward the independent and beautiful woman. Displaced by a war and a painful history, he finds Hot Springs and the intriguing Jessica Ross a tempting place to start over. Determined to scale the heights of her bitterness and show her the power of love, August faces more than just Jessica's resistance but a more devious design to harm the civilian sailors housed in Hot Springs.

Will August's tender pursuit bring Jessica the healing and hope she needs, or will bitterness force her into the hands of a "true" enemy waiting to destroy much more than her heart?

About Pepper:

Pepper D Basham has been telling tales ever since she was a little girl. When her grandmother called her a “writer” at the age of ten, Pepper took it as gospel and has enjoyed various types of writing styles ever since. A native of the Blue Ridge Mountains, mom of five, speech-language pathologist, and lover of chocolate, Pepper enjoys sprinkling her native Appalachian culture into her fiction wherever she can. She currently resides in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC, where she works with kids who have special needs, searches for unique hats, and plots new ways to annoy her wonderful friends at her writing blog, The Writer’s Alley. She is represented by Julie Gwinn, and her debut novel, The Thorn Bearer, arrives on May 7th 2015

My Thoughts:

I have read the two previous books in the Penned in Time series and loved each of them. While I am sad to see this series end, this book was the perfect ending to a wonderful series. In a time of huge prejudice towards the Germans in WWI we see trust, acceptance, and faith restored after it has been shattered. The beauty of the Appalachian mountains is breathed onto every page and I felt like I was there with Jessica and August. August is a swoon worthy hero who loves without walls, he is determined to win Jessica's heart. 
Pepper pens great stories that evoke emotions and keep you reading until the wee hours of the morning. I finished this one around 2 am this morning. Well worth being bleary-eyed this morning.
Highly recommended!


AMAZON (Pre-Order) 


Monday, November 14, 2016

Ace Collins’ ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ Giveaway

For Christians worldwide, the month of December is filled with joy and wonder as we anticipate the celebration of Christ's birth. There is no other time of the year that can compare to the Christmas season for both the young and young at heart.

From December to New Year's Eve, reawaken the wonder, joy, and magic that is Christmas with daily scripture and inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols and movies. Enjoy a wealth of fun activities to help make the most of the season, including heartwarming holiday recipes and homemade gift ideas.

With this soon-to-be-cherished holiday devotional, best-selling author Ace Collins will capture your imagination and help to make each day of December more memorable and meaningful to you, and those you love, by shining a light on the real spirit of the season.

Purchase a copy:

{More About Ace Collins}

Ace Collins is the best-selling and award-winning author of more than 60 titles, including “The Stories Behind The Best-Loved Songs of Christmas,” “Darkness Before Dawn,” and “Lassie: A Dog’s Life.” Ace frequently speaks across the country and on radio and has appeared on national television shows, including “Good Morning America,” “The Today Show,” “CNN,” “Fox and Friends,” “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Early Show” and more. When not writing, he works as a magazine editor and graphic designer, as well as host for a charity organization radio and television broadcast. Ace and his wife, Kathy, are based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
Find out more about Ace at

Make this upcoming Christmas holiday a Christ-filled season of joy and wonder with the help of Ace Collins' new devotional, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. From December to New Year’s Eve, reawaken the Christmas season with daily scripture and inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols and movies. Enjoy a wealth of fun activities to help make the most of the season, including heartwarming holiday recipes and homemade gift ideas. Download a free sampler of the book by clicking here.

Join Ace's Christmas festivities by entering to win the Magic of Christmas Prize Pack. Create new traditions this holiday season with your family and friends with the goodies included in the giveaway.


One grand prize winner will receive:

Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on November 21. The winner will be announced November 22 on the Litfuse blog.


My Thoughts:

I started reading this daily even though we were a couple of months away from Christmas. Each of the devotionals are around a piece of scripture that has to do with the birth of Jesus, sometimes a classic Christmas song is part of the reading. It also includes a holiday recipe or a neat Christmas gift idea that is inexpensive but very thoughtful.
I like the way Ace wove the daily readings together, the book really helps you focus on Christmas and the special time that it is. 


Ten Year Blogaversary Giveaway #4 Nashville Sweetheart by Rachel Hauck

About the book:

Aubrey James ruled the charts as the queen of country for over a decade. She'd rocketed to fame in the shadow of her parents' death both of them pioneers in gospel music. But while her public life high-profile romances and fights with Music Row execs made for juicy tabloid headlines, the real and private Aubrey has remained a media mystery.

When a former band member betrays Aubrey's trust and sells an "exclusive" to a tabloid, the star knows she must go public with her story. But Aubrey's private world is rocked when the "Inside NashVegas" interviewer is someone from her past someone she'd hoped to forget. All the moxie in the world won't let this diva run any longer."

 About Rachel

New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Rachel Hauck writes from sunny central Florida.

A RITA finalist and winner of Romantic Times Inspirational Novel of the Year, she writes vivid characters dealing with real life issues.

She loves to hear from readers. She also loves to encourage new writers and sits on the Executive Board of American Christian Fiction Writers..

A graduate of Ohio State University with a BA in Journalism, Rachel is an avid OSU football fan. She hopes to one day stand on the sidelines in the Shoe with Urban Meyer.

An avid Diet Coke fan, she is caffeine free. Sometimes you just have to compromise.

She's never skied or jumped out of an airplane. She leaves such hijinks to Jason Bourne.

Visit her web site to find out more and click on the icons to follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

This was the first book I read of Rachel's and I became a fast fan! When I received it I emailed Bonnie Calhoun asking her if I was supposed to receive the book in manuscript form. I had only been reviewing for six months when I received Rachel's book and I had no clue that I could receive it in manuscript form. When I read and reviewed this book the title was Diva NasVegas, I love the new title and the new cover!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weighing In. . . . Election 2016

It's been four days since Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States, and since then it seems as though the world has gone mad. What is bothering me the most is that myself and others who voted for Trump are being labeled as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, stupid, UN-American, the list is long.

 First I am not a racist in any way shape or form. I am a Navy brat (very proud of that!), I was a Navy wife for 23 years, I lived all over our country and I have friends from all different races. In fact when I lived in Virginia a woman whose daughter was having her sport's physical at the same time as my youngest daughter started talking to me and at one point she looked at me and said "Why are you so comfortable talking to a black woman?" I responded "I don't see color, I see a person. It's what I've taught my daughters." I will never forget that conversation.
I am also far from being homophobic. Together my husband, Mark and I have six kids, we have three kids that are apart of the LGBTQ community. I am blessed that I have a very open and honest relationship with my two daughters and their partners.
I am also not stupid. While I have a high IQ for me that is not what makes someone intelligent. I have lived life and learned through making both good and bad decisions, and believe me I've made a lot of bad decisions. One gave me three beautiful daughters and lasted 23 years.
As for being xenophobic, I have no problem with anyone of any race coming into America. I just want them to come in legally. I will be honest, when I see a woman in a hijab I get a little nervous. I understand that all Muslims are not like the ones that flew through our towers on 9/11, and I have to continue to remember that. Like most Americans they know exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard about it. Just like my grandparents remember Pearl Harbor.
Between my dad and my ex-husband I have been apart of military life for forty-three years. I have a great respect for the men and women who serve our country, in both our armed services and police departments. I understand the sacrifice that not only the military members make but also the family members who support them.
All of our children are grown and gone, most raising children of their own. While I can't speak regarding my three step-kids, I can speak about my three girls. They were taught to see a person, not race, religion, sexual - orientation, and they do. I said on my Facebook page after the election that it was pretty amazing to realize that you and your child don't agree on something as important as the election. Why would I say that? Because it showed that I did my job. That I taught them to be strong, independent thinkers, and make up their own mind. I didn't want carbon copy's of their father and I, I wanted individuals who would think for themselves, and they do.

My point in writing this is to express my feelings about the election. I believe the news media is also feeding the panic regarding the election by not reporting the truth, and assuming what Trump will do and why he's done certain things. I would like to see everyone take a breath and realize that all that has happened is that Trump is now President - elect, and he has not done anything but won an election. Let's give him a chance, extend to him the same courtesy's we would want extended to us, and go outside, breathe and look at the super moon.

Please be respectful in your comments.

Friday, November 11, 2016

First Line Friday . . . Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith

About the book:

Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her devout husband away fighting the king's wars for many months at a time, discontent and loneliness dog her steps--and make it frighteningly easy to succumb to King David's charm and attention. Though she immediately regrets her involvement with the powerful king, the pieces are set in motion that will destroy everything she holds dear. Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God--and David--forever?
With a historian's sharp eye for detail and a novelist's creative spirit, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the passionate and emotional story of David's most famous--and infamous--wife. Smith uses her gentle hand to draw out the humanity in her characters, allowing readers to see themselves in the three-dimensional lives and minds of people who are often viewed in starkly moralistic terms. You will never read the story of David and Bathsheba in the same way again.

First Line:

Jerusalem, 994 BC

Darkness curtained the sky, hiding the stars, sheltering Bathsheba in the inner courtyard of her home.

 Visit these ladies and leave your first line in the comment section.

Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish

Sydney at Singing Librarian

Carrie at Reading is my Superpower 

Rachel at Bookworm Mama

Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...