Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cecil the Lion VS. Planned Parenthood

The story of Cecil the lion's murder hit social media yesterday with a fury. Paying thousands of dollars to go kill an animal for sport makes me sick to my stomach. I am by no way a PETA member. I enjoy a good steak. This was completely different situation and because of this trophy kill Cecil's cubs could also be killed by the next dominant male. This dentist didn't just murder Cecil he will also be responsible for the murder of his cubs. I can't even express in words how disgusting this is to me. When I was around ten I remember going hunting with my dad's family. I don't remember much, probably because I was in the camper most of the time. I am not a hunter by any stretch, I couldn't look at an animal and kill it.
Here's where this entire story gets interesting. Good natured people are comparing the anger at the murder of Cecil to abortion. Stating "I wish people would get as upset over millions of babies who are killed in America, as they are over this lion." My response what's the difference?! Cecil didn't ask to be killed, be-headed, left for dead on the African wasteland. Planned Parenthood as we have found out recently has been not only killing babies they've been selling parts. And the difference . . . the difference is that as an American citizen I don't know the names of the women going into get an abortion. I do however know the name of the animal murdered, Cecil, and the murderer, Walter Palmer. For me that makes it personal.
I hope Walter Palmer gets what he deserves. I say let Jericho the new dominant male have him for lunch and leave Cecil's cubs alone. I don't see that happening.
What the good natured people need to understand is that as humans we can be upset about more than one thing at a time, and if you're a woman the list is long, and just because we all don't get upset at the same thing at the same time doesn't mean that it doesn't bother us.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dead Dog Like Me by Max Davis

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Dead Dog Like Me
Worthy Publishing (June 23, 2015)
Max Davis


Max Davis is the author of over twenty books, has been featured in USA Today and Publisher’s Weekly, and has appeared on The Today Show and The 700 Club. He holds degrees in journalism and biblical studies. In addition to his own works, he’s done a variety of ghostwriting and collaboration projects. Max and Alanna have three grown children and a grand baby.


Nick Gregory regains consciousness after a horrific car accident to find he’s been transported back in time and that he has become Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son and King Saul’s grandson. Aware that he’s experiencing another man’s life, he has to learn fast. When mega-church pastor, Nick Gregory, regains consciousness after a horrific car accident, he’s on the ground in agonizing pain. Nick realizes he is in a bizarre place – a foreign, parched, ancient land, having been transported back in time to 800 B.C. Unbelievably, he is in the body of a prince named Mephibosheth, a son of Jonathan and King Saul’s grandson. Nick is fully aware of who he is and that he’s now living in Mephibosheth’s body, strangely able to speak and understand Hebrew. This experience helps him see that he, like Mephibosheth, is a broken man desperate for God’s outrageous grace and healing (2 Samuel 9:8). Returning to present day, Nick’s experience motivates a changed life.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Dead Dog Like Me, go HERE.

Hope Harbor by Irene Hannon

Tracy Campbell never wanted to leave Hope Harbor, Oregon, or the idyllic three-generation cranberry farm where she grew up. But life–and love–altered her plans.
When tragedy strikes and changes her plans yet again, she finds herself back in her hometown with a floundering farm to run and a heartbreaking secret. Romance is not on her agenda. Nor is it on Michael Hunter’s. The visitor from Chicago has daunting secrets of his own. But when Tracy recruits him to help save a struggling charitable organization, the winds of change begin to sweep through Hope Harbor, bringing healing, hope, and love to countless lives–including their own.

About this author
Irene Hannon, who writes both romance and romantic suspense, is the author of more than 45 novels. Her books have been honored with two coveted RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America (the “Oscar” of romantic fiction), a National Readers' Choice Award, three HOLT Medallions, a Daphne du Maurier Award, a Retailers Choice Award, a Booksellers' Best Award and two Reviewers' Choice Awards from RT Book Reviews magazine. She is also a two-time Christy Award finalist.

A former corporate communications executive with a Fortune 500 company, Irene now writes full time. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, long walks, cooking, gardening, traveling and spending time with family.

To learn more about Irene and her books, visit

My Thoughts:

In Irene's new book, Hope Harbor, she takes us to Hope Harbor, Oregon. She brings the setting alive you can smell the mist off of the ocean. This book is very character driven, and the characters are not only intriguing they are real broken people in need of healing. Irene writes romantic suspense as well and as with most of her contemporary romance, there is a hint of mystery in the story. Hope Harbor has a mystery within it's pages that keep you reading. 

Congratulations to Irene for being inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame!


Friday, July 24, 2015

Experience Healing and Mending with Cynthia Ruchti’s New Book and Reclaimed Treasures Giveaway

About the book:
Tattered and Mended: The Art of Healing the Wounded Soul (Abingdon, July 2015)

A crumbling statue. A torn tapestry. A discolored painting.

Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopefully shattered---perhaps once thought beyond repair. But what about us? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live?

In Tattered and Mended, readers walk through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives of those who have gone before us. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Cynthia Ruchti shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.

Purchase a copy:

About the author:

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories "hemmed in hope." She's the award-winning author of sixteen books and a frequent speaker for women's ministry events. She serves as the Professional Relations Liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers, where she helps retailers, libraries, and book clubs connect with the authors and books they love. She lives with her husband in Central Wisconsin.

Find Cynthia online: website, Twitter, Facebook
How can the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live be mended and healed? In Tattered and Mended, Cynthia Ruchti walks readers through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives of those who have gone before us. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Cynthia shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.

Celebrate the release of Tattered and Mended with Cynthia by entering to win her Reclaimed Treasures giveaway!


One grand prize winner will receive:

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on July 27th. The winner will be announced July 28th on Cynthia's blog.


Plus, now through mid-July, sign up for Cynthia's mailing list for a five-day virtual tour around Madeline Island for the chance to win a Hemmed in Hope prize pack. Each day begins with an email from Cynthia that introduces where you'll be “visiting” that day (all key places from As Waters Gone By) with various interactive elements, including“I wish you were here” postcards, trivia quizzes, and an ongoing Island scavenger hunt. The person who interacts the most will win a Hemmed in Hope prize pack (valued at more than $200).


That includes:

  • The letterpress block Hope sign from DaySpring

  • A set of 6 Hemmed in Hope notecards showing a hope-themed Bible verse

  • A leather “I can’t unravel, I’m hemmed in hope” journal

  • Signed copies of each of Cynthia’s books, fiction and non-fiction

My Thoughts:
We are all tattered and torn. Since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden we've lived in a tattered and torn world, and the only one that can mend us is Jesus, Himself. 
I have a few favorite quotes from the book.
"I can't unravel. I'm hemmed in hope." "Scars can be artistic, revealing the imprint of The healer." "My scars are my story of His grace and mercy in my life." "Holy bandages presoaked in mercy."
I am not a fan of non-fiction normally. I find it boring and too close to real life. However, this book was not like that at all. Cynthia pulled me in right from the beginning using miracles that Jesus performed in the Bible to illustrate her point that He is the one that mends our tattered life giving us hope which allows us to be a story of His grace. 
This book will be a lighthouse to your tattered soul. I highly recommend it!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
No Safe Harbor
Bethany House Publishers (October 1, 2012)
Elizabeth Ludwig


Elizabeth Ludwig is an award-winning author whose work has been featured on Novel Rocket, the Christian Authors Network, and The Christian Pulse. Her first novel, Where the Truth Lies (co-authored with Janelle Mowery), earned her the 2008 IWA Writer of the Year Award. This book was followed in 2009 by I'll be Home for Christmas, part of the Christmas anthology collection, Christmas Homecoming.

In 2011, her second mystery, Died in the Wool (co-authored with Janelle Mowery) was nominated for a Carol Award. In 2012, the popular EDGE OF FREEDOM series released from Bethany House Publishers. Books one and two, No Safe Harbor and Dark Road Home, respectively, earned 4 Stars from the RT Book Reviews. Book three, Tide and Tempest, received top honors with 4 1/2 Stars.

Elizabeth is an accomplished speaker and teacher, often attending conferences and seminars where she lectures on editing for fiction writers, crafting effective novel proposals, and conducting successful editor/agent interviews. Along with her husband and children, she makes her home in the great state of Texas.


The Thrill of Romantic Suspense Meets the Romance of 1800s America

Lured by a handful of scribbled words across a faded letter, Cara Hamilton sets off from 1896 Ireland on a quest to find the brother she'd thought dead. Her search lands her in America, amidst a houseful of strangers and one man who claims to be a friend--Rourke Walsh.

Despite her brother's warning, Cara decides to trust Rourke and reveals the truth about her purpose in America. But he is not who he claims to be, and as rumors begin to circulate about an underground group of dangerous revolutionaries, Cara's desperation grows. Her questions lead her ever closer to her brother, but they also bring her closer to destruction as Rourke's true intentions come to light.

If you would like to read the first chapter of No Safe Harbor, go HERE.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Christian Fiction Publishing Nightmare

I am a book lover, my Mom taught me to read when I was three and from that moment on I was always found with a book in my hand, sometimes more than one, and I still read more than one at a time. Eight years ago I started this blog to keep track of my reading, I had no knowledge of review blogging, a friend who was a blogger told me about a couple of groups where I could receive a Christian Fiction book for free in exchange for a review. I was in book heaven and so began my career as a book reviewer.
In the last few years things have changed in regards to publishing. A few houses have decided to do away with their fiction line for a number of reasons, leaving authors within those houses to find a new publisher or to go the route of independent publishing.
As a reader and reviewer this entire publishing situation within Christian fiction breaks my heart and annoys me. Since I began reviewing in 2007 my entire goal has been to write honest reviews, support the author, and encourage them. Most of the authors I have had the pleasure of reviewing for have become friends. I have come to know them through their writing, interacted with them on social media, and interviewed them. When I think about them loosing a place to publish their work my heart aches for them because that is their livelihood, and most of the authors that I know didn't get into writing Christian fiction to make tons of money they are writing because they are called of God and they want to spread His message, however they still need to publish their work and with the state of the publishing world today that may or may not happen.
As a reviewer I have decided that I will continue to support Christian authors even if I never receive another free book, meaning I am willing to pay for the book read it and review it. These authors have touched my life in amazing ways and no matter what happens within the publishing world I will support them in any way I can.

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Beth Vogt

Wedding bells and storm clouds collide in the first engaging novel in a brand-new series about destination weddings, the power of love, and the possible mishaps and missteps that happen on a couple’s journey down the aisle to “I do.”

Paramedic Vanessa Hollister has put her adolescence behind her, including the unwanted label of being the new kid in town over and over again, thanks to her father’s military career. She’s overcome what her mother called “the biggest mistake of her life” and is planning an elegant destination wedding in Destin, Florida with her new fiancé. But will the reappearance of her first husband from her what-were-you-thinking teenage elopement disrupt her dream of an idyllic beach wedding?

As a professional storm chaser, Logan Hollister is used to taking risks. However, a reckless decision during the last tornado season has him questioning the future of his team, the Stormmeisters. Coming face to face with his ex-wife eight years after their divorce compels him to confront his greatest regret: losing Vanessa. Does their past give him the right to interfere with her future?

Vanessa and Logan are faced with a choice: Should they accept, once and for all, their teenage marital mistake? Or is God offering them a second chance at happily ever after?

Beth K. Vogt is a non-fiction author and editor who said she'd never write fiction. She's the wife of an Air Force family physician (now in solo practice) who said she'd never marry a doctor--or anyone in the military. She's a mom of four who said she'd never have kids. Now Beth believes God's best often waits behind the doors marked "Never." A 2014 Carol Award finalist, Beth is a contemporary romance novelist with Howard Books. Her 2014 novel, Somebody Like You, is one of Publisher's Weekly's Best Books of 2014. Her e-novella, A November Bride, is part of Zondervan's A Year of Wedding Series. Beth enjoys writing contemporary romance because she believes there's more to happily-ever-after than the fairy tales tell us. She lives in Colorado with her husband Rob, who has adjusted to discussing the lives of imaginary people, and their youngest daughter, Christa, who's taking them through the teen years again. An established magazine writer and former editor of Connections, the leadership magazine for MOPS International, Beth is also part of the leadership team for My Book Therapy, the writing community founded by best-selling author Susan May Warren.

My Thoughts:

Being a Navy brat, I could definitely identify with Vanessa. We didn't move that often however, we moved the summer of my sophomore year of high school from California to Florida. I started my junior year at a new high school knowing no one, and like Vanessa I bumped into a senior football player walking down the hallway. 
Beth placed this book in Destin, Florida, a place I knew nothing about. Vanessa plans her destiny wedding in Destin because it kills two birds with one stone. Her fiance` Ted is a ER Dr. and there is a medical conference the same weekend they want to get married. The last place Vanessa wants to be is in Destin because of all the memories of her and Logan. When a hurricane hits Destin forget trees flying, emotions are high and flying too. 
This book was fun, I was glued to the pages from the first page. It was full of surprises that kept you glued to your seat. I was sad to see it end, I wanted to spend more time with these new friends. This is a perfect summer book, and I highly recommend it!

Five Days in Skye by Carla Laureano

Hospitality consultant Andrea Sullivan has one last chance to snag a high-profile client or she'll have to kiss her dreams of promotion good-bye. When she's sent to meet Scottish celebrity chef James MacDonald on the Isle of Skye, she just wants to finish her work as efficiently as possible. Yet her client is not the opportunistic womanizer he portrays himself to be, and her attraction to him soon dredges up memories she'd rather leave buried. For James, renovating the family hotel is a fulfillment of his late father's dreams. When his hired consultant turns out to be beautiful, intelligent, and completely unimpressed by his public persona, he makes it his mission to win her over. He just never expects to fall under her spell.

Soon, both Andrea and James must face the reality that God may have a far different purpose for their lives—and that five days in Skye will forever change their outlook on life and love.

 About Carla Laureano:

Carla Laureano has held many job titles—professional marketer, small business consultant, and martial arts instructor—but writer is by far her favortie. She currently lives in Denver with her patient husband and two rambunctious sons, who know only that Mom's work involves lots of coffee and talking to imaginary people.

My Thoughts:

Andrea Sullivan is a closer. She is the best her company has, as a Hospitality Consultant. Her job is on the line. She has to close this deal and get home.
James or Jamie MacDonald is a Celebrity Chef with a cooking show, cook books, and numerous hotels in London. He has no idea that Andrea is coming and her arrival thanks to his younger brother Ian, knocks him off his feet in many ways.

In this debut novel by Carla, she has written believable characters that you fall in love with and cheer for. Five Days in Skye is a vacation to Scotland without the price of the ticket, I was breathless at the images of the Scottish highlands. The romance between James and Andrea is tender and endearing. The spiritual element is subtle but very powerful.

I stayed up very late reading this book, and I am so book drunk that picking up another book, and I have others to review, just doesn't seem possible. James and Andrea will stay with me for a long time.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

To Capture Her Heart by Rebecca DeMarino

It is 1653 and Heather Flower, a princess of the Montauk tribe, is enjoying her wedding feast when her groom is killed and she is kidnapped by a rival tribe and held for ransom. Though her ransom is paid by an Englishman, she is nonetheless left to die in a Connecticut forest--until she finds herself rescued by handsome Dutch Lieutenant Dirk Van Buren. Torn between her affection for Dirk and her long friendship with family friend Benjamin Horton, Heather Flower must make a difficult choice--stay true to her friend or follow her heart.

When Rebecca DeMarino traveled to Horton Point, Long Island, with her mother, Helen Jean Horton Worley, in 1999, passions collided: her love of faith, family, travel, history, and writing. Rebecca's debut novel, A PLACE IN HIS HEART, is a historical romance based on Mary and Barnabas Horton, Rebecca’s ninth great-grandparents. Set in 1600’s Southold, Long Island, book one of The Southold Chronicles will be released by Revell in June, 2014. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and when not writing, she enjoys family and genealogy, travel, reading, running, baking and gardening. Rebecca is represented by Greg Johnson of WordServe Literary Agency.

My Thoughts:

When I was asked to read and review this book, I fell in love with the cover and synopsis. I love historicals and since I didn't know much about the native Americans I was excited to learn something about them. I was pulled in with the kidnapping of Heather Flower, unfortunately after that I didn't connect with one of the characters and it felt like there was so much going on I couldn't keep up. 
If you are interested in Colonial history I would recommend that you get a sample from Amazon on your kindle and check it out for yourself. 



Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jack Staples and the Ring of Time by Mark Batterson and Joel Clark

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Jack Staples and the Ring of Time
David C. Cook (September 1, 2014)
Mark Batterson and Joel Clark


Mark Batterson serves as lead pastor of National Community Church ( in Washington, DC. One church with seven locations. NCC is focused on reaching emerging generations and meets in theaters throughout the DC metro area. NCC also owns and operates the largest coffeehouse on Capitol Hill. Mark holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University and is the New York Times bestselling author of 11 books, including The Circle Maker, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Wild Goose Chase and the two most recent, The Grave Robber and Jack Staples and the Ring of Time. Mark is married to Lora and they live on Capitol Hill with their three children: Parker, Summer, and Josiah.


Eleven-year-old Jack's ordinary life is upended when mysterious creatures attack his hometown and he is whisked into a fantastical adventure filled with danger at every turn.

Jack learns that most live in a shadow of the world, their vision blinded by invisible scales that have covered human eyes since the beginning of time. But the Awakened experience the world as it truly is, where war rages between good and evil—and Jack is at the heart of it. The Awakened are searching for The Child of Prophesy who will both save the world and destroy it. When Jack joins in their epic battle he must learn to trust his friends and face his fears if he is to make his life count.

If you'd like to read the first chapter of Jack Staples and the Ring of Time, go HERE.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hearts Made Whole (Beacon of Hope #2) by Jody Hedlund

After her father’s death, Caroline Taylor has grown confident running the Windmill Point Lighthouse. But in 1865 Michigan, women aren’t supposed to have such roles, so it’s only a matter of time before the lighthouse inspector appoints a new keeper–even though Caroline has nowhere else to go and no other job available to her.

Ryan Chambers is a Civil War veteran still haunted by the horrors of battle. He’s been given the post as lighthouse keeper, and the isolation where he can drown in drink and hide from his past is appealing. He’s not expecting the current keeper to be a feisty and beautiful woman who’s none-too-pleased to be giving up her position. They both quickly realize he’s in no shape to run the lighthouse, but Ryan’s unwilling to let anyone close, ravaged by memories and guilt. Caroline’s drawn to this wounded soul, but with both of them relying on that single position, can they look past their loss to a future filled with hope…and possibly love?

About this author

Jody Hedlund is an award-winning and bestselling author of inspirational historical romances including books for adults and youth. She currently makes her home in central Michigan with her husband and their five busy children.

As a busy mama-writer, she has the wonderful privilege of teaching her crew of 5 children at home. In between grading math papers and giving spelling tests, she occasionally does a load of laundry and washes dishes. When she's not busy being a mama, you can find her in front of her laptop working on another of her page-turning stories.

She loves reading almost as much as she loves writing, especially when it also involves chocolate and coffee. 


My Thoughts:

It's 1865 and women are suppose to be married, and raising children, not taking care of a lighthouse. Caroline highly disagrees with Mr. Finick the manager of the lighthouse. She is definitely in a pickle,  he has hired her replacement and gives her til the end of the week to pack up her siblings and leave. 
The replacement arrives early startling her and she hits him over the head with her pillow. That is by far one of my favorite scenes in the book.
Jody says in the author's note that the reader will learn to turn to God with every need you have. "Lord, I need you, how I need you. Every hour I need you." She weaves this thread beautifully throughout the book, while teaching about how the lighthouse operates; which I really enjoyed. I love lighthouses, and I named my blog Radiant Light because of my love of lighthouses.
This is the second book in this series, however it can stand alone.
Highly recommended!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Friend's of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury

In our everyday lives, friends are the people whom we spend the most time with, go through struggles with at times, and who know us best. Each of Jesus’ friends—Peter, John, Matthew, Judas, Mary Magdalene, and Lazarus—traveled with Jesus and were part of His daily ministry, and each has a compelling story to tell. There were some who would question or doubt Him…and one would even betray Him. Kingsbury brings these fascinating personalities to life in ways that will not only help bring you closer to the truths found in Scripture, but also to Christ.

By combining valuable, instructive Bible study with compelling, insightful character sketches of Jesus’ companions, Kingsbury provides you with a deeper understanding of the scriptural teachings featuring these fascinating people. Emotionally powerful, thought-provoking, and soulful, The Friends of Jesus will help you to appreciate the Bible and understand how it applies to your relationships with the most important people in your life.

Karen Kingsbury is a #1 New York Times Bestselling novelist with more than 25 million books in print. She is America’s favorite inspirational storyteller as her last dozen novels have hit top spot on national bestseller lists. Several of Karen’s books are in production as theatrical and Hallmark original movies. 
My Thoughts:
This is the second book in Karen's Life-Changing Bible study series. I loved the way she portrayed each of the disciples and friends that traveled with Jesus. They were a mess and I saw parts of me in each of them. Mainly Peter, I have a lot in common with him. Being able to recognize the traits within ourselves that were evident in Jesus' friends confirms once again that He is the friend to the friendless, Father to the orphans, and Husband to the widows. He is all to all of us. This was a quick read, I couldn't put it down once I started. This is a perfect summer read!


Love Arrives in Pieces by Betsy St. Amant

About the book:
Love Arrives in Pieces (Zondervan, June 2015)

For so long, Stella was known for her beauty. Now, with her heart stripped bare, she must discover who she really is.

Former pageant queen Stella Varland doesn't trust beauty anymore after her divorce. Her appearance betrayed her and led to brokenness, so instead of being beautiful, now she tries to make beautiful things, but she always falls short. So she keeps her passion for art to herself and focuses on her interior design work. But if she doesn't get another job soon, she'll be stuck living with her parents.

Contractor Chase Taylor is determined to live a life of no regrets after losing his fiancée. Now he lives life at full speed, striving to see how much he can accomplish. He knows if he slows down, he'll fall apart. So he returns home to Bayou Bend to renovate the town's old theater and is shocked to discover that the designer for the project is his old flame, Stella.

Forced to work together, Chase and Stella battle their chemistry and past as they struggle to compromise and work together on a vision for the theater. Their wills clash as they attempt to hide their brokenness---and their unresolved feelings for each other-until Chase discovers the hidden parts of Stella, while losing her trust in the process.

A near catastrophe, a fire, and a small-town gossip mill finally force Stella and Chase to realize that they have a choice---to hold on to the shards of their pasts, or surrender their fragmented pieces to the One who makes a beautiful masterpiece from their brokenness.

Purchase a copy:
About the author:

Betsy St. Amant
lives in Louisiana with her young daughter and has a heart for sharing the amazing news of God's grace through her novels. A freelance journalist, Betsy is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. When she's not reading, writing, or singing along to a Disney soundtrack with her daughter, Betsy enjoys inspirational speaking and teaching on the craft of writing.
Find Betsy online: website, Facebook

My Thoughts:
The two things in life that seem to cause the most pain is death and divorce. In her sophomore book, Betsy tackles both of these issues. I know from personal experience the pain of divorce. It is like a train wreck barreling into your life that rips everything apart, and you find yourself standing among the rubble picking up the pieces of your life. Using her main character, Stella, Betsy shows the mess, along with all of the emotions that go along with it. This is not a somber book, but a book about healing and how God can put the pieces back together if we let Him.
Highly recommended!

Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...