Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday Encouragement #9

Hi! Welcome to my first Thursday Encouragement of the New Year! I don't know about you but I can't believe it is 2020! Life just seems to be flying by. I'd be happy if it slowed down a bit!

I am once again started reading through the Bible using the YouVersion App which I highly recommend. Something has continued to stick out to me this year. I am still in Genesis and so far none of the offspring have learned from their parent's mistakes.

In Genesis 3:1-16 Eve is deceived by the snake, eats the fruit, gives some to Adam and God banishes them from the garden.

In Genesis 4:1-15 Cain killed Abel over God not looking with favor at his fruit offering.

We'll skip a few chapters to Abraham.

In Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham lies about Sarah being his wife.

In Genesis 24 Isaac marries Rebekah and in Genesis 25 Rebekah gives birth to Esau and Jacob. 

Laban, Rebekah's brother deceives Isaac, Isaac lies about Rebekah in Genesis 26, just like his father Abraham did about Sarah, Jacob deceives Isaac to steal the birthright away from Esau. Genesis 27.  In rebellion Esau marries Canaanite women which he knew he wasn't supposed to do.

I promise there is a point to my little history lesson. Take Time To Tell The Stories!!!

As I've read through these chapters this year I've been wondering if Adam, Eve, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah etc. told their children anything about being banished from the garden, lying about a wife because of fear, not trusting God to bring about a child so you have your servant sleep with your husband. And the list goes on.

Our paths may not be pretty either on our way to Christ or while following Him and some of that our children might have seen. I know mine saw a lot. Use the time you have with them under your roof to tell them about the moments you blew it and what you learned from it. I know from experience that God wastes NOTHING! Everything that happens to us, or we inflict on ourselves He uses it to make us better. We can't expect our children to catch following God like a cold, they have to see and know that no matter what He loves us and is always teaching us.

My girls are grown and raising their own families now. I wish I would've taken more time to use every little bit of my life as an example of what not to do more than I did. God knew that sharing the stories were important because He tells the Israelite's in Exodus to do so. 

We have so little time on this earth and with our kids in general I think it's important to tell them. I sure don't want my kids going down the same path I did and I'm sure the first families didn't either. 

Now, it's your turn. . . what do you think? Let me know in the comments!

Then go visit my friends for some more Thursday Encouragement!

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Nicole @ Christian Fiction Girl 

Jacquelyn @ Heavenly Home 

Jessica @ A Baker's Perspective

Becca @ The Becca Files
Gina @ Stories by Gina 

Rebecca @ Rev. Rebecca Writes 


Nicole Santana said...

Thank you for your post today. I definitely try to be transparent with my daughter. When I mess up, I try to immediately apologize and talk it out with my kid. I want her to be better equipped to handle life than I was.

thebeccafiles said...

Great post today! I don't have any kids yet but that doesn't mean that there aren't others that I should be taking this to heart with.
I'm reading through the Bible this year too using the YouVersion app. I joined a reading plan with Mesu Andrews and some of her readers :)

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