Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Team Work, Favoritism, Competition. . . . .

In the last year I've noticed a sad trend within the in the Christian fiction blog reviewers community and it is breaking my heart. From my position it seems as though certain bloggers are receiving preferential treatment over bloggers with more knowledge and skill. Because of the preferential treatment some have thought it their job to correct others on etiquette when promoting authors.
If that wasn't bad enough the teamwork I remember between the bloggers is pretty much non-existent, and I believe it is because of the favoritism being shown, along with certain bloggers feeling as though they have to have the most followers, page likes, ect., there also seems to be the attitude that they know more about blogging/reviewing and are closer with authors, as if this is some competition. REALLY?!?!?!?
I thought the purpose of blogging and reviewing for authors was to encourage them, as well as draw new readers to their book(s).

I miss the teamwork among the bloggers and sadly I don't know how to fix that or get it back.

When I started blogging in 2007 Facebook was up and active but not to the degree it is now, ten plus years later. MySpace was still going pretty strong, I only know that because I was on it monitoring my teenagers. 😄 I point that out to say this, Christian Fiction author's weren't just hanging around on social media, like they are today, and if they were it was most likely on an author page, not their personal page like today.

I didn't even notice a lot of them there until 2008/2009. I remember when contacting an author meant you emailed them on their author website, prayed they'd get it and they'd have time to answer.
Thanks to the interactions between early blog reviewers and authors, they learned that we can be trusted. Loads of blog reviewers, I couldn't name all of them if I tried, paved the way creating the access to Christian author's through Facebook, and other social media platforms, which led them to feel safe enough to create Street Teams to promote their upcoming releases. They saw that bloggers could be trusted, we were out to promote their work, encourage them in their writing, with no expectation . . . except maybe the next book in the series. 😇😇 What I am attempting to say, and failing horribly, is that it took teamwork to create the kind of relationship between blog reviewers and authors, that is present today.

With the teamwork between bloggers pretty much nonexistent, it feels like a dog eat dog world, out for number 1.  I am incredibly saddened that something I love to do read, encourage, and promote authors seems to have turned into climbing the ladder of success.


Cafinated-Reads Molly said...

This. So incredibly much this. This post and everything in has been on my mind and in my heart for some time now. It saddens me how the blogging world has changed over the years. When I started blogging in 2009 it was so fun. Now, like you said, there is lack of team work, and it's less fun. I love to help authors out and I pray for the day teamwork makes an appearance again. Thank you for your post, Andi! It's absolutely perfect!!!!

Andi said...


I am so glad that my post spoke directly to your heart. It's been on my heart for quite awhile. I prayed, and prayed about it, waiting for God's leading, a few days ago He tapped me on the back and said "Now." It took me two days to write it, the prayer of my heart is that God will use this to speak to all of us bloggers, that we'll take a step back, get alone with Him and check our reasons for reviewing and blogging. Maybe even write a mission statement if you don't have one. I wrote one a few months ago and it really helps me stayed focused.

Unknown said...

Andi, Thank you so much for sharing. I've only been blogging for about 2 years so I'm still fairly new to the blogging world. I have noticed that there has been a lack of bloggers in the Christian world who will take the time to help each other out. I feel the same way.

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