Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman

About the book:
A poignant and relatable novel, Looking Glass Lies captures the war women wage against themselves, and the struggle to see beauty reflected in a mirror not distorted by society’s unrelenting expectations.
For most of her adult life, Cecily Ross has compared herself to other women—and come up short. After a painful divorce from her emotionally abusive husband, Cecily returns to her hometown of Canyon, Texas, looking to heal.
But coming home isn’t what she expects. In a town as small as Canyon, her pain is difficult to escape—especially with her model-perfect ex–sister-in-law working at the town’s popular coffee-shop hangout. With help from her father, a support group, and an old friend who guides her to see her own strengths, Cecily may have a shot at overcoming her insecurities and learning to love again.
The true test comes when tragedy strikes, opening Cecily’s eyes  to the harmfulness of her distorted views on beauty—and giving   her the perfect opportunity to  find peace at last.                                                        

My Thoughts:

Looking Glass Lies is for every woman. Varina peels back the layers of emotional despair and insecurities that most every woman has experienced at one time or another. When we judge ourselves by our looks, what we wear, what other people think about us as an employee, as a wife, mother, daughter, and sister over shadows who we are as a person. As I read this book I saw myself, my mother, my daughters, and friends. We may not all talk about it but we notice other women and we see men looking at other women and wonder if our husbands are too. 
The beauty of fiction is we watch a character struggle and become victorious, yet we still stay in our messed up, painful life and don’t see victory. What if we learned from a character, and became victorious in our own life? That is exactly what Varina does in this book. She doesn’t just write a great story, she gives us as readers hope that we could look at ourselves differently and truly see that beauty is who we are not how we look.
I highly recommend this book!!

I received a copy of the book compliments of the publisher all opinions expressed are mine alone.


Varina Denman said...

Thank you for such a nice review, Andi. Every woman is beautiful. :)

Andi said...

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review your book. I still think about the characters and the story.

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