Thursday, April 20, 2017

Author Interview - Pepper Basham

Today I am going to interview Pepper D. Basham. She is the author of five full length novels and one novella.

Let’s break the ice . . .

Me: Mountains or beach? I think I know the answer to this . . . *giggle*

Pepper: HA! You’d better know the answer to this by now πŸ˜‰ MOUNTAINS!!!

Me: While there are things I love about the mountains I am definitely a beach girl.

Me: Novella or long novel?

Pepper: Long novel

Me: Long novel too.

Me: Iphone or android?              

Pepper: iPhone, but in truth I’ve never really given android a try

Me: I have an iPhone now but I had an android. I think I like the iPhone better especially since I can FaceTime with my kids and grand kids.

Me: Hymn or chorus? & What is your favorite one?

Pepper: Trick question 😊 I love both for different reasons. Hymns are RICH with theology and allow for more ‘corporate’ singing and harmonies, IMO. Choruses can be great to repeat an important theme and many times (if done thoughtfully) pack a powerful punch in a few words while being very singable. Favorites? Sheesh...that’s tough. How about a few of my favorites: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, It is Well, Great is the Faithfulness, How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

Choruses? Indescribable and What a Savior by Laura Story, 10,000 Reasons, and In Christ Alone. 

Me: I have to agree that was a trick question. I grew up on hymns and they remind me of my faith heritage and I get teary-eyed singing them. Choruses do seem to pack a punch, and are easier for this old brain to remember.

Me: Kindle or book?

Pepper: Book

Me: I like both. I seem to read faster on my Kindle so I gravitate to that more often.

Me: What inspired you to write?

Pepper: I can only say it was a God-given desire born in me. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t ‘story-creating’. But the first time I actually realized I was a ‘writer’ was when my grandmother called me one at age 10

Me: That had to be a very special declaration from your grandmother.

Me: What is your writing Kryptonite?

Pepper: Time 😊

Me: I can just imagine!

Me: What defines literary success for you?

Pepper: Hmmm…. what a great question. I don’t know. I guess the nuts and bolts answer would be that I’ve written a well-crafted story, but the deeper answer is that I’ve glorified God through my writing. Financial compensation would certainly be nice too and having people enjoy my stories is also a bonus, but at the core of my definition of ‘success’ would be that I’ve done what God has called me to do with my whole heart. 

Me: That's a great answer!

Me: How much of your books are realistic? 

Pepper: Realistic? Well, the stories are plausible for the most part, I think. With my historical novels I really try to bring as much of the true events surrounding the story into the novel, if I can. So when I include those events, I try to be very accurate. The Lusitania was my most extensive research to date – and riveting research.

Me: They feel very realistic.

Me: What are your favorite childhood books?  

Pepper:  As far as picture books, I love Dr. Seuss 😊 Chapter books? I was a Nancy Drew junkie but I also fell in love with classics like The Secret Garden followed by Little Women…and then once I was introduced to British literature through Jane Eyre, well I was a goner 😊

Me: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? I think I may know the answer to this question too. *giggle*

Pepper: HA! Laura Frantz!! But also Ruth Logan Herne. Both have been instrumental in different ways in wrapping their arms around me and encouraging me on this journey. I’d also add Siri Mitchell and Cathy Marie Hake to this list, more in my early writing years than now, but they were both amazing encouragers. 

Me: I was wrong. I thought James Rubart would be one because of his "Branding Course." I can definitely see an influence of Laura Frantz in your writing.

Me: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?  

Pepper: I LOVE interacting with you guys!! Love it!! Let me know what you think of my stories. I hope you discover HOPE in them.

Me: Interacting with authors who write our favorite books, like you, makes the reading experience so much more fun.
Thanks for joining me today and letting me interview you. I absolutely adored your new book, Just The Way You Are. Such a fun Britallachian book!


Becky said...

It's so sad to see this tour come to an end! LOVED this book!

Pepper Basham said...

Thanks so much for this, Andi!!

Andi said...

You are so welcome! I had a lot of fun putting it together.

Andi said...

I'm with you. This was a really fun book tour!

Kathleen Denly said...

Hi Andi. I absolutely LOVED this interview! I am already a HUGE Pepper fan, but this was probably one of my favorite interviews that I have read of any author ever. Great job!

Andi said...

Hi Kathleen!
Thanks! I tried a different interview approach and it was a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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