Friday, January 6, 2017

First Line Friday - Week One

About the book:

Sweeping Historical Fiction Set at the Edge of the Continent
After being imprisoned and branded for the death of her client, twenty-five-year-old midwife Julianne Chevalier trades her life sentence for exile to the fledgling 1720s French colony of Louisiana, where she hopes to be reunited with her brother, serving there as a soldier. To make the journey, though, women must be married, and Julianne is forced to wed a fellow convict.
When they arrive in New Orleans, there is no news of Benjamin, Julianne's brother, and searching for answers proves dangerous. What is behind the mystery, and does military officer Marc-Paul Girard know more than he is letting on?
With her dreams of a new life shattered, Julianne must find her way in this dangerous, rugged land, despite never being able to escape the king's mark on her shoulder that brands her a criminal beyond redemption.

Before I go into the first line of this book, isn't the cover just gorgeous???? I love it! There is some Cajun French on my birth mother's side, so I am really excited about this book.

First Line:

Paris, France 1719

There it was again. Suddenly wide awake, Julianne covered her ears. 

Hi Katie! Welcome to the First Line Friday, gang!

All the Book Blog Names Are Taken

Bookworm Mama

Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen

Faithfully Bookish

Reading Is My SuperPower

Robin's Nest

Singing Librarian

Fiction Aficionado


Anonymous said...

Thank you Andi! I'm so pleased to be joining you all. :-)

My first line today comes from 'The Scarlet Coat', which will be released later this month:

"The last rays of sun faded into twilight, and the wind whispered through the trees, as if warning Rachel to turn back."

Hope you enjoy The Mark of the King. I read it last week and loved it!

Anonymous said...

Um, it's helpful if I actually tell you the author, too, hey? *facepalm*

'The Scarlet Coat' is by Angela K. Couch.

It must be my bedtime :-)

Caryl Kane said...

Welcome Katie!

Andi, I'm excited for the release of The Mark of the King.

My first line is from Inside Story by Susan Page Davis.

3:00 P.M., MARCH 7

“Uh, Claudia? That gorilla is looking at me.”

englishmysteriesblog said...

My first line is from Surround Me: Revolutionary Faith by Marguerite Martin Gray:

Atlantic Ocean
May 1773

"His hands tightly gripped the railing, turning his knuckles a startling white compared to his wind-chapped tanned skin."

Happy reading and happy Friday!

Beth Erin said...

I am dying for my copy of Mark of the Kind to arrive! DYING!!!
Meanwhile, I'm going to catch up on blogging and reviewing, then treat myself with A Moonbow Night by Laura Frantz!
April 1777
What cannot be cured must be endured.

Andi said...

Hi Katie!
So glad you've joined us. I'm so excited to read The Mark of the King. I'm reading A Moonbow Night right now.

Andi said...

Hi Caryl! You were my #1 commenter last year too!! Looking forward to another year full of wonderful blog comments! ❤💜

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

My paragraph this week is from Tracy Borman's amazing and wonderful new book, The Private Lives of the Tudors.

" 'I do not live in a corner. A thousand eyes see all I do.' This telling lament by Elizabeth I begs the question: did the Tudors have a private life at all? As monarchs, they were constantly surrounded by an army of attendants, courtiers, ministers, and place-seekers. Even in their most private moments, they were accompanied by a servant specifically appointed for the task."

Happy Reading!

Brenda W said...

Chapter 1 Tuesday, November 13, 1877— Cater Springs, Texas Catherine McGarrett jolted to a halt on the bustling boardwalk outside Koch’s Mercantile. Tighter

Barnes, Crystal L. Win, Love, or Draw (Marriage & Mayhem Book 1) (p. 7). . Kindle Edition.

Brenda W said...

Chapter 1 Tuesday, November 13, 1877— Cater Springs, Texas Catherine McGarrett jolted to a halt on the bustling boardwalk outside Koch’s Mercantile. Tighter

Barnes, Crystal L. Win, Love, or Draw (Marriage & Mayhem Book 1) (p. 7). . Kindle Edition.

MeezCarrie said...

such a beautifully written book!

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