Monday, October 31, 2016

WINNER!!!! WINNER!!! Blogaversary Winner # 1

The winner of The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz is . . .

Heidi Madsen Robbins!!!!!


Thanks to all of you who entered! Giveaway #2 has started. Here is the link . . .


Ten Year Blogaversary Giveaway # 2

Week TWO of my TEN Week Blogaversary Giveaways. This week I will be featuring another favorite author of mine, Julie Lessman.
I fell in love with Julie when I read her debut novel A Passion Most Pure, book 1 in her Daughter's of Boston series. Julie can create romantic tension in her books with a look, a kiss, and a smile. I need a fan on and a glass of cold water near by when reading any of her books.
Julie has graciously offered THREE signed novels for this weeks giveaway.

#1 A Passion Most Pure
About the book:

She's found the love of her life.
Unfortunately, he loves her sister.
As World War I rages across the Atlantic in 1916, a smaller war is brewing in Boston. Faith O'Connor finds herself drawn to an Irish rogue who is anything but right for her. Collin McGuire is brash, cocky, and from the wrong side of the tracks, not to mention forbidden by her father. And then there's the small matter that he is secretly courting her younger sister. But when Collin's affections shift, it threatens to tear her proper Boston family apart.
Book 1 of the Daughters of Boston series, A Passion Most Pure will carry your heart from the sophisticated streets of Boston to the green hills of Ireland as men go off to war and women long for their return. Full of passion, romance, rivalry, and betrayal, it will captivate you from the first page.


# 2 A Light in the Window Is this not a beautiful cover? The young woman is Julie's beautiful daughter.

About the book:

One Woman. Two Men.

One stirs her pulse and the other her faith.

But who will win her heart?

Marceline Murphy is a gentle beauty with a well-founded aversion to rogues. But when two of Boston's most notorious pursue her, she encounters a tug-of-war of the heart she isn’t expecting. Sam O’Rourke is the childhood hero she’s pined for, the brother of her best friend and a member of the large, boisterous family to which she longs to be a part. So when his best friend Patrick O’Connor joins in pursuit of her affections, the choice seems all too clear. Sam is from a family of faith and Patrick is not, two rogues whose wild ways clash head-on with Marcy’s—both in her faith and in her heart.

While overseeing the Christmas play fundraiser for the St. Mary’s parish soup kitchen—A Light in the Window—Marcy not only wrestles with her attraction to both men, but with her concern for their spiritual welfare. The play is based on the Irish custom of placing a candle in the window on Christmas Eve to welcome the Holy Family, and for Marcy, its message becomes deeply personal. Her grandmother Mima cautions her to guard her heart for the type of man who will respond to the "light in the window," meaning the message of Christ in her heart. But when disaster strikes during the play, Marcy is destined to discover the truth of the play’s message first-hand when it becomes clear that although two men have professed their undying love, only one has truly responded to “the light in the window.”


About the book:

No man can resist her charms. Or so she thought. Charity O'Connor is a woman who gets what she wants. Her stunning beauty and flirtatious ways have always succeeded with men. Until Mitch Dennehy, that is.

Brilliant and dangerously handsome, Mitch is a no-nonsense newspaperman who wants nothing to do with her. Charity burned him once, destroying his engagement to the only woman he ever truly loved. He won't play with matches again. But Charity has a plan to turn up the heat, hoping to ignite the heart of the man she loves. And she always gets what she wants--one way or another.

Or does she? Will her best-laid schemes win his love? Or will her seductive ways drive him away forever? Book 2 in the Daughters of Boston series, A Passion Redeemed will captivate your heart and stir your soul with a story of faith and redemption rising from the ashes of temptation, desire, and shame.


These are THREE great books that will be given away this week during week 2 of my ten year blogaversary. I will be featuring memories from reading and reviewing Julie's books. I also have an interview with a couple of characters from one of her books.

Giveaway vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Can't Help Falling by Kara Isaac

About the book:

Emelia Mason has spent her career finding the dirt on the rich and famous. But deep down past this fearless tabloid-reporter façade, there’s a nerdy Narnia-obsessed girl who still can’t resist climbing into wardrobes to check for the magical land on the other side. When a story she writes produces tragic results, she flees to Oxford, England—home to C.S. Lewis—to try and make amends for the damage she has caused.

Peter Carlisle was on his way to become one of Great Britain’s best rowers—until he injured his shoulder and lost his chance at glory. He’s determined to fight his way back to the top even if it means risking permanent disability to do so. It’s the only way he can find his way past failing the one person who never stopped believing in his Olympic dream.

When Peter and Emelia cross paths on her first night in Oxford, the attraction is instant and they find common ground in their shared love of Narnia. But can the lessons from a fantasyland be enough to hold them together when secrets of the real world threaten to tear them apart? Cobblestone streets, an aristocratic estate, and an antique shop with curious a wardrobe bring the world of Narnia to life in Kara Isaac’s inspiring and romantic story about second chances.

Kara Isaac lives in Wellington, New Zealand. When she's not working her day job as a public servant, chasing around a ninja preschooler and his feisty toddler sister, she spends her time writing horribly bad first drafts and wishing you could get Double Stuf Oreos in New Zealand. Her debut romantic comedy, Close To You, released April 2016. Her sophomore novel, Can't Help Falling, releases in October 2016 and is an RT Reviews Top Pick. She loves to connect with readers on GoodReads, Twitter, Facebook and through her website.

My Thoughts:

While this is Kara's sophomore book, it is the first book I have read of hers, and I loved it! I am a huge Narnia nerd and I loved all of the references to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. The characters were so real I was praying for them and had to remind myself that they were just characters in a novel. The spiritual thread within the story was beautifully woven. Emelia struggles with belief in God because of what has happened in her life, her flat mate Allie points out that everything that has happened to Emelia since her arrival in Oxford has been by God's hand.
The romance between Emelia and Peter is sweet and has it's own bumps in the road.
Whether you are a lover of Narnia or not you will enjoy this great book and the sights and sounds of Oxford.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Accelerant (Abiassa's Fire book #2) by Ronie Kendig

About the book:

He'll destroy the world. But first he has to save it.

The Nine Kingdoms bleed. Leaderless, ravaged, the land awaits deliverance from Poired Dyrth's devastating campaign. But what if one blight can only be cleansed by another?

The promised Fierian is known by many names. Judge. Destroyer. Scourge. And now one other: Haegan, Prince of Seultrie. Once a cripple, now a gifted Accelerant, Haegan can no longer run from the truth. But neither can he be reconciled to it. He knows only one thing for certain: as the only able-bodied heir to the Fire Throne, he must return to the Nine and fight for his people.

But there are insidious forces at work. When reality itself falls into question, Haegan struggles to know where to fight, who to trust. Caught between duty to his country and duty to the world, Haegan must see clearly enough to choose the right path to save his devastated world.

About Ronie:

Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. She married her own hunky hero, who’s an Army veteran. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her husband have a full life with four children and two dogs. Ronie’s degree in psychology has helped her pen novels of raw, broken characters. Since launching onto the publishing scene, Ronie’s Rapid-Fire Fiction has hit the CBA Bestseller List, won the prestigious Christy Award, finaled in numerous contests and reader awards, including ACFW Carol Awards, RWA’s Faith, Hope, & Love’s Inspirational Readers’ Choice Awards, Christian Retailing’s Readers’ Choice Awards, INSPY Award, The Christian Manifesto Lime Awards, and FamilyFiction’s Readers’ Choice Choice Awards. Ronie loves people and helping other writers through speaking, workshops, and/or mentoring. Find Ronie at, on Facebook ( , Twitter (@roniekendig), and GoodReads.

My Thoughts:

WOW! Just WOW!!! Ronie's world building, characters, and good vs. evil in her second book, Accelerant captured me from the first word and held me captive until the last one. The action is one that I have come to love in Ronie's books and it was upfront and present in this book. I literally felt like I was in the Kingdom of the Nine experiencing life with Haegan and his band of characters. 
I did have to read a little slower than normal to keep everything and everyone straight. Once immersed the story took off and I couldn't put it down. I was so immersed I was dreaming about Haegan. This is a perfect series for your pre-teen/teen and fantasy lover. 

First Line Friday - The Mistress of Tall Acre

Since I am celebrating my 10 year anniversary and featuring Laura Feagan Frantz on my blog this week, I thought I'd feature her book The Mistress of Tall Acre.

About the book:

The American Revolution is finally over, and Sophie Menzies is starved for good news. When her nearest neighbor, General Seamus Ogilvy, finally comes home to Tall Acre, she hopes it is a sign of better days to come. But the general is now a widower with a small daughter in desperate need of a mother. Nearly destitute, Sophie agrees to marry Seamus and become the mistress of Tall Acre in what seems a safe, sensible arrangement. But when a woman from the general's past returns without warning, the ties that bind this fledgling family together will be strained to the utmost. When all is said and done, who will be the rightful mistress of Tall Acre?

First line:

On this day, 8 August, 1778, a child was safely delivered. . . .Nay, not safely. Anything but safely.

Please visit these lovely ladies and read their first line and leave your own. Leave your first line in the comment section.

Rachel at Bookworm Mama

Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish

Sydney at Singing Librarian

Carrie at Reading is My Superpower

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Interview With Laura Frantz

What inspired you to write your first book? I wanted to create the happily-ever-afters I didn’t have in real life. So I did:) 

Is there a message in your novels that you want readers to grasp? I hope readers sense the presence of God in my stories on some level, particularly His great love for them and His ongoing faithfulness to them personally and uniquely.

How much of your books are realistic? Most of my ideas stem from real life historical events. It’s challenging but very enjoyable to have plots pivot around actual circumstances in history. And very fun to make up imaginary characters who live out these events.

What books have most influenced your life most? The Bible and biographies of historical people.

What book are you reading now? The Poldark series while I watch season 2. Definitely a great combo!

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? I love Joanne Bischof, Amber Perry, Cristine Eastin, Brenda Anderson, and others who I’m forgetting to name! There are SO many solid authors out there across genres. Christian fiction is truly blessed!

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I wrote my first story at age 7 after reading those little historical biographies for children about famous people. I can still see those shelves in my elementary school library. Those books were like candy to me J.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Weaving in a spiritual theme that is relevant and believable to the reader.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? George MacDonald, a 19th-century pastor and fiction writer. He had the amazing ability to create compelling characters with such dimension you feel like you know them and come to care for them deeply. Also, his descriptions of Scotland and nature are mind-blowingly authentic and beautiful.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? It’s all about readers. If not for readers, there would be no books. I’ve been very touched and blessed by readers

around the world. I’m continually amazed at how God uses fiction to reach people in all kinds of circumstances. I can’t believe anything I write is of any merit or worthy of praise but I always remember He’s the giver of the writing gift and all the glory goes to Him.

Why Christian fiction? Why historical Christian fiction? Because history is really HIS story and it’s a privilege to share God’s grace through stories. Sometimes readers might not pick up a Bible but will a book with a Christian theme. God meets seekers wherever they are in all sorts of creative ways, including fiction.
Writing is obviously in your blood – was there a particular person who encouraged you to nurture your gift?? My granny who died at nearly 100 shortly before my debut novel was published. I dedicated The Frontiersman’s Daughter to her. She always said to me growing up, “I think you should write a book.” Also my brother, a pastor and missionary, told me to share my gift of writing. 

Tell us how you felt/what you did when you found out you had your first contract. I stayed up all night listening to Christian music as I couldn’t sleep!
Favorite movie and favorite line from a movie? “Look back at me,” from the BBC’s North and South.
Please share some of your faith journey… Came to know Christ at age 12 as I was raised in the church but didn’t have a heart knowledge of him until my 30’s. Heart knowledge wins hands down! I’m learning and growing in the faith all the time, overwhelmed with God’s heart for us and how He wants a personal relationship with us above all else.

Please feel free to leave questions for Laura in the comments.

Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...