Thursday, August 28, 2014

$200 B&B Weekend Getaway Giveaway & 9/9 Facebook Party with Deborah Raney!

 About the book: Landyn longs for home, but her mother may have other plans.

Audrey Whitman's dreams are coming true. Now that their five kids are grown, she and her husband, Grant, are turning their beloved family home into a cozy bed and breakfast just a mile outside of Langhorne, Missouri.
Opening weekend makes Audrey anxious, with family and friends coming from all over to help celebrate the occasion. But when Audrey's daughter, Landyn, arrives, the U-Haul she's pulling makes it clear she's not just here for a few days. Audrey immediately has questions. What happened in New York that sent Landyn running home? Where was Landyn's husband, Chase? And what else was her daughter not telling her? One thing was for sure, the Chicory Inn was off to a rocky start. Can Audrey still realize her dream and at the same time provide the comfort of home her daughter so desperately needs?

Purchase a copy:

 About the author: Deborah Raney's books have won numerous awards, including the RITA, National Readers Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, and the Carol Award, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. She and her husband, Ken, recently traded small-town life in Kansas---the setting of many of Deborah's novels---for life in the (relatively) big city of Wichita, where they enjoy gardening, antiquing, movies, and traveling to visit four children and a growing brood of grandchildren who all live much too far away.

Find Deborah online: website, Twitter, Facebook

The first book in Deborah Raney's new Chicory Inn series, Home to Chicory Lane, introduces us to Audrey Whitman, a mother who has launched all her children into life and now looks forward to fulfilling some of her own dreams during her empty-nest years. However, not all of her children are ready to stay out of the nest quite yet.

Deborah is celebrating the release of her new series with a $200 B&B Weekend Getaway and a Facebook author chat party.


One winner will receive:

  • A B&B Weekend Getaway (via a $200 Visa cash card)

  • Home to Chicory Lane by Deborah Raney

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 9th. Winner will be announced at the Home to Chicory Lane Author Chat Party on 9/9. Deborah will be hosting a heartfelt book chat, giving away prizes, and answering questions from readers. She will also share an exclusive sneak peek at the next book in the Chicory Inn series!

So grab your copy of Home to Chicory Lane and join Deborah on the evening of September 9th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 9th!

My Thoughts: 

Deborah did a great job creating these characters. Audrey and Grant are as hard headed as they come. Landyn and Chase are so incredibly stubborn it's no wonder they are in the situation they get themselves in.
When Landyn arrives back in Missouri Grant treats her like she is 2 not an adult.
Audrey is so wrapped up in the inn she has spent their retirement on that she clearly forgets that when you are a parent your child is more important than a room.

This is a great book! I was up late reading it. The family dynamics pull at your heart strings, and keep you reading.

I am glad that this is the first book in the series, and I will be able to revisit Chicory Lane again.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Miracle in Dry Season

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Miracle in a Dry Season
Bethany House Publishers (August 5, 2014)
Sarah Loudin Thomas


Sarah Loudin Thomas grew up on a 100-acre farm in French Creek, WV, the seventh generation to live there. Her Christian fiction is set in West Virginia and celebrates the people, the land, and the heritage of Appalachia. Her first novel, Miracle in a Dry Season, releases August 2014 through Bethany House. Sarah is represented by Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency.

A graduate of Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC, Sarah once dreamed of being a marine scientist. But her love for words won out and she has spent much of her career in public relations and marketing. She currently oversees fundraising and communications for a Christian children’s home in Black Mountain, NC.

Sarah and her husband Jim live in the mountains of Western North Carolina with Thistle–the canine equivalent to a personal trainer pushing them to hike, run, and throw sticks. Sarah is active in her local church and enjoys cooking and–you guessed it–reading.


In a Drought, It's the Darkest Cloud

That Brings Hope

It's 1954 and Perla Long's arrival in the sleepy town of Wise, West Virginia, was supposed to go unnoticed. She just wants a quiet, safe place for her and her daughter, Sadie, where the mistakes of her past can stay hidden. But then drought comes to Wise, and Perla is pulled into the turmoil of a town desperately in need of a miracle.

Casewell Phillips has resigned himself to life as a bachelor. . .until he meets Perla. She's everything he's sought in a woman, but he can't get past the sense that she's hiding something. As the drought worsens, Perla's unique gift divides the town in two, bringing both gratitude and condemnation, and placing the pair in the middle of a storm of anger and forgiveness, fear and faith.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Miracle in a Dry Season, go HERE.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sisters of Lazarus by Paula K. Parker

Sisters of Lazarus: Beauty Unveiled is about Mary and Martha and their struggles with issues of self-worth. The author often wondered why the sisters were at odds and the book opens with Mary tiptoeing into the house as she returns from market with a hand-mirror for herself instead of saffron for Martha.

My Thoughts:
This is not your every day story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It shows a typical sister relationship, one is prettier than the other, one is better at domestics than the other. Listening to them reminded me of my three girls who fought over clothes, the bathroom, and any thing else that they could think of. The difference here is that Jesus comes on the scene and changes everything.
I have read a good number of biblical fiction, and Paula is now a new fave. Recommended!

Test of Faith by Christa Allan

Will the revelation of a 16-year-old secret shatter or mend a fragile marriage? Like all marriages, Elle and Logan Butler s has its ups and downs. Yet they hang together, even as his political campaign escalates. But Elle has a secret that haunts her, one that she never thought would be revealed. It s a secret that has driven her from God and kept her from sharing her whole heart with the man she loves. But now the secret must be told. The news rips Elle s world apart as she struggles with painful memories and paralyzing fear of what will happen when she tells Logan. Every secret has consequences, and this one could destroy everything they've built. "

About this author

A true Southern woman who knows that any cook worth her gumbo always starts with a roux and who never wears white after Labor Day,Christa writes stories of unscripted grace with heart, humor and hope. Her debut womens fiction, Walking on Broken Glass, released in February. Christa's essays have been published in The Ultimate Teacher, Cup of Comfort, Chicken Soup for the Coffee Lovers Soul and Chicken Soup for the Divorced Soul. Christa is the mother of five, a grandmother of three, and a teacher of high school English. She and her husband Ken live in Abita Springs."

My Thoughts:

I am a huge fan of Christa's, I have read everything she has written, and this book is my absolute fave.
With Elle and Logan barely hanging on during his political campaign things quickly escalate when Elle is faced with her secret of 15 years.
In this novel, Christa gets to the heart of things, bringing both Elle and Logan face to face with their fears from their childhood. The emotion in this story is real, and can be felt through the pages. Elle is someone you want to cheer for, Logan you want to strangle. As the book came to a close I had tears in my eyes.
She has set this book up for a sequel and I really hope there is one. I highly recommend this one.


If This is What a Christian is Count Me Out!

I read something yesterday that made my blood boil. Someone I've known for thirty years or more posted on Facebook about the "Nazarene's" know the Spirit, as if they are the only ones that do. I was adopted in 1966 and taken to church and dedicated that Sunday. I grew up in the Nazarene church, my brother and I joked that we cut our teeth on Nazarene pews, however this whole "we're better than you" attitude is for children, and I've seen it in countless Nazarene churches, which is one reason why I don't attend one anymore, the other is that now that I am an adult, I don't buy into all the LEGALISM that the Nazarene church "stands" on. I don't believe for one second that four men have the right to come up with a "manual" to tell me how to live out my Christian walk. My manual is God's word, and if what I am doing goes against Him, He'll let me know. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, not have a denomination do it.
Also, unless I am mistaken, exclusivity is what Christ came to get rid of. The Sadducees and the Pharisees were about obeying the law, making sure everyone saw them pray, give money etc. and Jesus said not to be like them, however when we act like our church is better than the next one, that is what we are doing, and I believe that breaks His heart.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Grand Design

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
A Grand Design
Abingdon Press (August 19, 2014)
Amber Stockton


Words from the author:

Hi, I'm Amber, but my friends call me Tiff, short for Tiffany, my first name. I am in my mid-30's, married to the love of my life since July 2007, have a daughter and a son, and live in Colorado. Here, I am content to do what I love—write, speak, and offer virtual assistance.

Thanks to the gentle nudging of a fellow author -- Tracie Peterson -- in 2002, I joined the American Christian Fiction Writers and wouldn't be published today without them. For those of you who are also fiction writers looking for a wonderful support group, check them out! My very first book, Promises, Promises, sold in December 2006 and released in February 2008. I've been going steady ever since.


When Alyssa Denham, a single career woman, wins a fun getaway for two on Mackinac Island where her grandmother lives, she gives her carefree best friend a call. Together, they tour the old shops and hidden treasures of the quaint island while helping Alyssa’s grandmother piece together an heirloom quilt. Their quest gains them entrance into the homes of many longtime residents of the island, parts of the city that are otherwise off limits to tourists. As the quilt’s story takes shape, Alyssa gains amazing insight into her grandmother’s life . . . and attracts the attention of the handsome Scott Whitman, an island resident in charge of hotel transportation. Will memories of her past keep Alyssa from letting go? Or will the quest to piece together the heirloom quilt restore Alyssa’s fractured heart—and bring healing to her entire family?

If you would like to read the first chapter of A Grand Design, go HERE.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Bouquet of Love by Janice Thompson

Cassia Pappas has found herself in a nearly impossible situation. She wants to spend her time immersed in her new job at a Galveston Island floral shop, arranging blooms and brightening occasions with her lovely creations. But her huge Greek family–especially her father–has other ideas. They’ve all relocated to Galveston to open up a new family restaurant location on the Strand– directly across the street from the Rossis’ popular pizza place–and they want Cassia’s full participation.
To make matters worse, as Cassia is trying to develop a strong professional relationship with Galveston’s premier wedding coordinator, Bella Neeley, her own father is intent on stealing all of the Rossi family’s faithful customers. Not exactly the best way to get into Bella’s good graces!
Still, at least Alex, that hot delivery guy from the nursery, is always hanging around the flower shop . . .
Fan favorite Janice Thompson gives readers one more romp with Bella, Galveston, and the bustling wedding biz in the final installment of her popular series. Anyone who loves quirky families, loads of laughter, and tender romance will find themselves hooked.

About this author

My name is Janice Thompson. (You will find me published under Janice Hanna, Janice Hanna Thompson, Janice A. Thompson as well.)

I’m a Christian freelance author of novels, non-fiction books, magazine articles and musical comedies for the stage. I live in the Houston area, where the heat and humidity tend to reign, regardless of the season.

I’m the mother of four beautiful daughters, (Randi, Courtney Rae, Megan and Courtney Elizabeth. Yes, I really do have two daughters named Courtney! Long story…) I also have the three prettiest granddaughters any Nana could hope for – Madysen Lynae, Avery Rae and Peyton Renae. Grandbaby #4, Ethan Ames, was just born in the winter of ‘09 and baby Boston Craig just arrived in the spring of ‘10. Another baby girl is on the way – baby Brooke!

Our family is extremely active in local ministry. My oldest daughter, Randi, leads worship in the Houston area, Courtney Rae leads worship at her church in Montana, Megan works with children at our local church and Courtney Elizabeth sings on the worship team at her church in Michigan. I’m thrilled to have four grown daughters who love the Lord (and several granddaughters who one day will)!

My Thoughts:
I am a huge fan of Janice and her romantic comedy's, and this one does not disappoint. All Cassia wants is to create beautiful floral arrangements and enjoy pizza. Her family's Gyro shop is across the street from the pizza parlor, the smell is an invitation she can't resist. 
This zingy and zany romance is fun, and takes you away to Texas, and a romance between Cassia and Alex that is more fun than a Greek wedding. 
Sometimes you just want to be swept away from day to day cares, and relax. Grab a copy and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sky Zone

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Sky Zone
David C. Cook (June 1, 2014)
Creston Mapes


Creston has fond memories of his boyhood in Bath, Ohio, where he became enchanted with his future wife, way back in the fourth grade. His father, Bernie, owned and operated The Weathervane Furniture Shop in town. The whole family lived right upstairs in the century-old house known as "The Shop."

Creston studied journalism at Bowling Green State University, then began his writing career. During the past 30 years, he has worked as a reporter, corporate copywriter, creative director, freelance writer, and author.


A rally for a controversial presidential candidate.
A terrorist threat.
A nightmare of cataclysmic proportions.

Jack and Pamela Crittendon have hit the breaking point. After months out of work as a reporter, Jack is playing Mr. Mom and working part-time at Festival Arena with his survivalist friend Brian Shakespeare. Meanwhile, Pamela has gone back to work full-time while eight months pregnant. Having her recently widowed mother on hand isn't making matters any easier. With financial pressures boiling, Jack reports for duty at a rally for controversial presidential candidate Martin Sterling where he expects a mindless night on the job. But when Homeland Security picks up intel about a potential terrorist threat, Jack and Shakespeare are thrust into a life-or-death battle to save their own lives--and the lives of thousands of innocent people.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Sky Zone, go HERE.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

In Perfect Time by Sarah Sundin

About the book: Bold, sophisticated, and flirtatious, Army Air Force flight nurse Lt. Kay Jobson collects hearts wherever she flies, leaving men pining in airfields all across Europe. So how can ruggedly handsome C-47 pilot Lt. Roger Cooper be all but immune to her considerable charms? In fact, he seems to do everything he can to avoid her.

Still, as they cross the skies between Italy and southern France, evacuating the wounded and delivering paratroopers and supplies, every beat of their hearts draws them closer to where they don't want to go.
Can they confront the fears and misunderstandings in their pasts?

Purchase a copy: 

About the author: Sarah Sundin is the author of With Every Letter and the Wings of Glory series. In 2011, A Memory Between Us was a finalist in the Inspirational Reader's Choice Awards, and Sarah received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. A graduate of UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy, she works on call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist's mate (medic) in the Navy and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children.

Find Sarah online: website, Facebook, Twitter
My Thoughts:
I am a huge historical fiction fan, and Sarah's books never disappoint. In this third and final installment of the Wings of the Nightengale's we get to see why Kay throws herself at every man that glances her way. She has men pinning for her wherever she goes, yet she doesn't care about the consequences, until Roger, a pilot in a tender moment gives her his Bible. Kay's dad is a preacher and she finds out that her father has been lying to her all these years. He had her believing she'd never be good enough for God.
Roger is a believer, yet struggling to stay pure. In true Sarah style, she has your emotions riding a wave of turbulence as Kay and Roger fly all over Europe, and get to really know each other.
I really liked the transparency of both Kay and Roger.  We are not perfect it's only by the grace of God that we have salvation and we see this as Kay and Roger's relationship blooms.

My favorite quote is:
"I think the heartbeat itself is a drum message from God. With every beat, he sends his message. His life, his love. His life, his love." I believe this, and love the message it sends.

Highly recommended!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Heart to Heal

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
A Heart to Heal
Love Inspired (July 15, 2014)
Allie Pleiter


Enthusiastic but slightly untidy mother of two, Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and nonfiction. An avid knitter, harp player and non-reformed chocoholic, she spends her days writing books, doing laundry, running carpools and finding new ways to avoid housework. Allie grew up in Connecticut, holds a BS in speech from Northwestern University and currently lives in suburban Chicago, Illinois. The "dare from a friend" to begin writing eight years ago has blossomed into a career that includes numerous public speaking engagements, two books on parenting; Becoming a Chief Home Officer and Facing Every Mom's Fears and now novels for Steeple Hill Books. She is the mother of two children and, most recently, a Havanese dog named Bella.


The Courage To Hope.

Guidance counselor Heather Browning is desperate. She needs a mentor to help Simon, a disabled student who is struggling at Gordon Falls High School. Unfortunately, hotshot Max Jones is her only option. Confrontational and cavalier, Max uses his flashy persona to hide the bitterness he's felt since his life-changing accident. Perpetually cautious, Heather finds Max's bad-boy bravado as intriguing as it is infuriating. But as Heather and Max work together to build Simon's self-confidence, they begin to trust each other. Max has never been slow and careful with anything. Can he be gentle with Heather's heart?

Gordon Falls: Hearts ablaze in a small town.

If you'd like to read the first chapter of A Heart to Heal, go HERE.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

THE BUTTERFLY AND THE VIOLIN Kindle Fire Giveaway and Facebook Party from @KCambronAuthor!

About the book: A mysterious painting breathes hope and beauty into the darkest corners of Auschwitz---and the loneliest hearts of Manhattan.

Manhattan art dealer Sera James watched her world crumble at the altar two years ago, and her heart is still fragile. Her desire for distraction reignites a passion for a mysterious portrait she first saw as a young girl---a painting of a young violinist with piercing blue eyes.
In her search for the painting, Sera crosses paths with William Hanover, the grandson of a wealthy California real estate mogul, who may be the key to uncovering the hidden masterpiece. Together, Sera and William slowly unravel the story behind the painting's subject: Austrian violinist Adele Von Bron.
A darling of the Austrian aristocracy, talented violinist, and daughter to a high-ranking member of the Third Reich, Adele risks everything when she begins smuggling Jews out of Vienna. In a heartbeat, her life of prosperity and privilege dissolves into a world of starvation and barbed wire.
As Sera untangles the secrets behind the painting, she finds beauty in the most unlikely of places: in the grim camps of Auschwitz and in the inner recesses of her own troubled heart.

Purchase a copy:
About the author: Kristy Cambron has been fascinated with the WWII era since hearing her grandfather's stories of the war. She holds an art history degree from Indiana University and received the Outstanding Art History Student Award. Kristy writes WWII and Regency era fiction and has placed first in the 2013 NTRWA Great Expectations and 2012 FCRW Beacon contests, and is a 2013 Laurie finalist. Kristy makes her home in Indiana with her husband and three football-loving sons.

Find Kristy online: website, Facebook, Twitter
Welcome to the launch campaign for debut novelist Kristy Cambron's The Butterfly and the Violin. Romantic Times had this to say: "Alternating points of view skillfully blend contemporary and historical fiction in this debut novel that is almost impossible to put down. Well-researched yet heartbreaking. . . ."

Kristy is celebrating the release of the first book in her series, A Hidden Masterpiece, with a fun Kindle Fire giveaway and meeting her readers during an August 7th Facebook author chat party.


 One winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire

  • The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 7th. Winner will be announced at The Butterfly and the Violin Author Chat Party. Kristy will be connecting with readers and answering questions, sharing some of the fascinating research behind the book, hosting a fun book chat, and giving away some GREAT prizes. She will also be giving an exclusive look at the next book in the series, A Sparrow in Terezin!

So grab your copy of The Butterfly and the Violin and join Kristy on the evening of August 7th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 7th!

 My Thoughts:
I know I won’t be able to adequately express how much I loved this book.
Kristy Cambron’s debut novel is a song among the pages. She writes a very painful yet touching story about the Holocaust.
Kristy tells this story from present day to war torn Austria. Sera, an American art gallery owner, who has been looking for a painting of a woman holding a violin she saw as a child when she went to Germany with her dad. William has hired Sera to find this painting to put an end to his grandfather’s will. Adele, a young violinist for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, who gets caught smuggling Jews out of Austria, and is sent to Auschwitz, where she becomes a part of the women’s orchestra to play during the morning selections.
Can something beautiful come from something dark and ugly? Kristy shows that it can. Just like us, God takes our broken life and makes it sing for Him.
Highly recommended!



Saturday, August 2, 2014

Heaven is For Real - - - Movie Review

Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didn't know what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.

We rented this movie last night and while I believe Colton saw a glimpse of Heaven I don't believe he saw his grt grandpa, or his sister that died. I felt as if little Colton was led to say that he saw them, his grt grandfather more than his sister.
This is a great family film. The struggle really is with Todd, Colton's dad who has a hard time wrapping his mind around Colton's tale. As a preacher
it is like Todd doesn't believe heaven is a real place and Colton helps him
believe, and maybe that was God's purpose. To help this young, pastor
believe what he preached.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Win a KitchenAid Mixer in Susan May Warren’s Hawaiian Chef Showdown!

About the book: 

Hawaii was the last place Grace Christiansen ever imagined she'd vacation, much less fall in love. But when her family surprises her with a cooking retreat in paradise, she is pulled-or maybe yanked-away from her predictable, safe life and thrown headfirst into the adventure of a lifetime.
Max Sharpe may make his living on the ice as a pro hockey player, but he feels most at home in the kitchen. Which is why he lives for the three-week culinary vacation he takes each year in Hawaii. Upon being paired with Grace for a cooking competition, Max finds himself drawn to her passion, confidence, and perseverance. But just when Grace dares to dream of a future beyond her hometown, Max pulls away.
Wrestling with personal demons, Max fights against opening his heart to a love he knows he should never hope for. And as his secrets unfold, Grace is torn between the safe path in front of her and what her heart truly desires. If love means sacrificing her ideal happily ever after, Grace's faith will face its toughest test yet.

Purchase a copy:

About the author: 

Susan May Warren is the bestselling, RITA Award-winning author of more than forty novels whose compelling plots and unforgettable characters have won acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. She served with her husband and four children as a missionary in Russia for eight years before she and her family returned home to the States. She now writes full-time as her husband runs a lodge on Lake Superior in northern Minnesota, where many of her books are set. She and her family enjoy hiking, canoeing, and being involved in their local church. Several of her critically acclaimed novels have been ECPA and CBA bestsellers, were chosen as Top Picks by Romantic Times, and have won the RWA's Inspirational Reader's Choice contest and the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year award. Five of her books have been Christy Award finalists. In addition to her writing, Susan loves to teach and speak at women's events about God's amazing grace in our lives. She also runs a writing community for authors.

Find Susan online: website, My Book TherapyTwitter, Facebook
Susan May Warren's newest book in the Christiansen Family Collection, When I Fall In Love,  has won over readers' and critics' hearts alike. With critical reviews like, ". . . an exquisite romance. Profoundly touching on the topic of facing fears, this book is a true gem," and more than 60 five-star reviews at Amazon, When I Fall in Love is sure to please.

Susan has teamed up with some amazing food bloggers for a fun food challenge and a KitchenAid Mixer giveaway!


One grand prize winner will receive:

Grab your aprons and wire whisks and buzz on over to the When I Fall in Love website to learn more and enter the Hawaiian Chef Showdown! Susan is challenging you to make a Hawaiian-inspired dish using coconut, mango, or one of the other ingredients mentioned in the book. You’ll get extra points for creating your own recipe—plus she might share it on the When I Fall in Love site! Or if you're not up for an adventure in the kitchen just click one of the icons below for easy entry.

Hurry, the giveaway ends on August 10th. All winners will be announced August 13th at Susan's blog.

Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Susan's blog on the 13th to see if you won!

My Thoughts:

This is the third installment of the Christiansens. This story is about Grace, and there is a second story going on in the background about Casper that has the potential to be the next book in this series.
Grace really doesn't want to go to Hawaii and I thought she was a little crazy, I love Hawaii.
Grace and Max's story starts out on the plane ride where they call each other 9A and 9B. Their love story is sweet and does not come without waves, but they rise above them.
All in all this is a great summer read, that does not disappoint.

Highly recommended!

Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...