Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lincoln - The Movie

My husband and I watched this movie the other night. Lincoln is my daughter, Kassi's favorite President. She memorized The Gettysburg Address when she was eight, and I believe she still knows it today at 23.
This was a very intense movie and I really enjoyed it.
It really made me understand what I had a hard time understanding when I lived in Virginia, was the discord in Virginia. I lived in Virginia for six years and it was one of the most difficult places to live when it came to racial tension, at least for me. As a navy kid and navy wife I had lived all over and I had never experienced the racial tension that I saw there, and that my girls experienced. In base housing they had white families on one side and black families on the other. When I went into the housing office and asked about it, because I'd never seen that, they said it was easier. It wasn't and it was cruel.
I observed a server treat our friends who are a biracial couple like they were squallier.
One of my bosses where I worked told me about being a little girl when integration happened and how her father wouldn't let her ride the bus because black children were on it. It went deeper than that as an adult when she was married, she and her husband had a Christmas open house and invited her parents, they had people from their work, when her father saw that there were African Americans there, they turned on their heel and left. I couldn't see my parents, or anyone else I knew doing something like that.

I lived in the Hampton Roads area . . . Virginia Beach, Chesapeake . . . I love the people that I met and have some great memories. However, I wouldn't want to live there again. People are people, regardless of skin color, and I know I couldn't handle all of that again, seeing Rebel flags flying, knowing that some thought them self better than their neighbor.

In Lincoln you see the struggle to set the slaves free. How President Lincoln fights to get them free, and almost dies doing it. It was amazing to me the way the senators fought Lincoln on the 13th Amendment and then as the vote got closer things began to change. It really changed when the day of the vote and a group of African Americans entered the observing seats and the senators changed their tune.

If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it!

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