Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Avra's God - Reviewed

Avra’s God Back Cover:

          In the tradition of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, four friends navigate college and the drama churned up by their Florida beach band to cement friendship and more.                 
          Avra wants love, but drummer Cisco—self-medicating from his parents’ divorce with sex and intoxicants—is a poor choice. Cisco hungers for fresh-baked cookies and the scent of family he finds at Avra’s.
         Kallie shares her classically trained voice only with lead vocalist Jesse and fights to keep her heart safe. Jesse feeds on fame and hides more than insecurity beneath his guitar.
         The friends surf ego, betrayal, and ambition and head for wipeout.  But somehow, when they're not looking, Avra’s God changes them all.

Giveaway: Anyone who would like a free e-copy of Kicking Eternity, also from the New Smyrna Beach series, may request one at AnnLeeMiller.com.
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Bio: Ann Lee Miller earned a BA in creative writing from Ashland (OH) University and writes full-time in Phoenix, but left her heart in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where she grew up. She loves speaking to young adults and guest lectures on writing at several Arizona colleges. When she isn’t writing or muddling through some crisis—real or imagined—you’ll find her hiking in the Superstition Mountains with her pastor husband or meddling in her kids’ lives.

Twitter: @AnnLeeMiller
Blog: The-Art-Of-My-Life.blogspot.com

My Thoughts:  
I spent a good portion of my teen years at New Smyrna Beach so when I was asked by Ann to read and review this book I was super excited! She has created some great characters that pull you right in and make you care about them.

Jesse is a preachers kid, and the last place he wants to be is in church. He wants to be in the band that he has started, and having all the girls swooning over him. Yet, he is missing something.

Kallie  won't let anyone get close, especially Jesse. She's afraid of being hurt again just like what her dad did after he left her family. It's all or nothing with her, and Jesse isn't ready for that.

Avra knows she shouldn't be dating Cisco but he's the best looking guy and when he asked her out she nearly fell over. She's soon to find out that God's way is better.

Cisco is the resident heart throb who has been leaving a trail of broken hearts since his dad split. He loves Avra's family because they are a true family. He craves Avra's homemade chocolate chip cookies, but he doesn't seem to be able to stick to the moral guidelines he agreed to with her dad.

Welcome to New Smyrna Beach where the water is warm, the sand inviting, and troubles are bound to happen.  

Ann writes a story that will pull the reader right in from the beginning and won't let them go. She makes you care about each of these characters and want them to succeed. This is a definite must read!

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