Monday, June 11, 2012

Waiting for Sunrise: A Cedar Key Novel - Reviewed

Book Blurb:

Life sometimes gets the best of us. For some it's the daily pressures, for others it's the shadows of the past. For Patsy Milstrap, it's both. When she travels to beautiful Cedar Key on Florida's Gulf Coast in search of healing, she never dreams her past will be waiting for her there.
With a large helping of Southern charm, "Waiting for Sunrise" is a touching story of family, young love, and the need for forgiveness. Author Eva Marie Everson expertly draws out the bittersweet moments of life, weaving them into a tale that envelops the soul.

My Thoughts:  Patsy's past comes face to face with her when her and her husband Gilbert arrive in Cedar Key for vacation; someone who knows the same pain she knew, who watched their mother be abused, and was abused himself at the hands of pure evil! 
Eva Marie writes a book that is heart - wrenching, tear at your heart family drama, that you can't put down. You will find yourself cheering for Patsy, and Billy! This is a book you do not want to miss!

Available June 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. 

Eva Marie Everson is sponsoring a contest for a Kindle Fire in conjunction with her blog tour week for Waiting for Sunrise!  The details can be found here:!kindle-contest

1 comment:

Brasil said...

Waiting for Sunrise by Eva Marie Everson was a delight to read. I didn't want to put this book down, even when it brought me to tears time and again. It isn't often that a book can capture my world like this one did. The characters came alive to me and I wanted to spend as much time in their world as I could.
Young Patsy touched my heart and I ached with her as she got on the bus and headed to a new life. How desperate her mother must have been to do that! And the open arms that greeted her made me cry all over again.
The dedication and patience of her husband was endearing and the surprises along the way made for a deep story.

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