Monday, June 11, 2012

BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!!!! Happy Birthday Anastasia!!!!!!!

Book Blurb:
She was an orphan, ushered into the royal palace on the prayers of her majestry. Yet, decades later, her time spent in the embrace of the Romanovs haunts her still. Is she responsible for those murderous events that changed everything?
If only she can find the heir, maybe she can put together the broken pieces of her own past-maybe she can hold on to the love she found. Bursting to life with the rich and glorious marvels of Imperial Russia, The Last Romanov is a magical tale of second chances and royal blood.

This was a great read! I remember watching the animated movie Anastasia with my girls when they were little and this book drew me in from the beginning.  You don't want to miss this book!

Sourcebooks is offering a copy in honor of what would have been Anastasia's 111th birthday on June 18th.
I will have one copy to giveaway to one lucky winner. To enter you must be a follower of my blog, leave a comment with your email address. To receive extra entries you can tweet about this contest and come back and leave a comment with the link, you can blog about this contest and come back and leave a comment with the blog link.
This contest will start today, Monday, June 11th and I will use a randomizer on Anastasia's birthday, June 18th.  GOOD LUCK!!!


Steve Capell said...

This novel sounds really interesting. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I hope your week is filled with many blessings.

MJ @ Creative Madness Mama said...

I really love this one for it's cover. I saw it elsewhere and wanted it, but didn't have the time to review it. I'd love to be able to own a copy to read later!



Amy K said...

I read it last month. It is not Christian fiction. An interesting read. I didn't know much of Imperial Russia or what happened with the Revolution, so historically I wanted to know. The overall story is not all believable. And after reading it, I went on Wiki to read about the Russian Revolution. After reading on wiki, I found out where the author did most of her research. I dont know, maybe because it wasn't Christian fiction is why I didn't care for it. But I think I gave it three stars on Goodreads. Historically it seemed accurate from what I could tell. But its hard to write a historical story so close to the truth while adding in your own fictional main character.
Overall, a good read for general historical information. Fictionally, it could have been more. If you love mystical and the Romanovs, you'll like this.

PS I had to look up the meaning of so many (50+) words. Thankfully I read this on my Kindle.

Andi said...

Knock, knock AmyK . . How much of Imperial Russia books have you read? Any Dostoyevsky???? How about Tolstoy??? Who wrote the book War & Peace about the Russian Revolution. These books were Humanities must for me.
This book was not advertised as Christian fiction.
Also . . . using Wikipedia as a source is kinda pointless. Anyone, and I mean anyone can add to Wikipedia. I highly doubt that Dora used Wikipedia or JUST Wikipedia as her source to write this book. Historical authors are way, way to thorough to have only 1 source.

Steve, & MJ thanks so much for stopping by! I am so sure you will love this book!

Linda Kish said...

I would love to win/read this book. It sounds terrific.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Lexi said...

I also enjoy watching the animated movie with my daughter. A great story, though sad.

eyesofblueice (at) gmail

Na said...

This sounds like such an interesting read. The time period especially appeals to me.


Unknown said...

I read a few Books about Russian History and always love them. {Please add me to your Giveaway, would love to win this Book.

Andi said...

The winner is #1 Steve!!!! He has been emailed and has 48 hrs to send me his mailing address!

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