Friday, March 2, 2012

GIVEAWAY: May The Road Rise Up To Meet You

Book Blurb:

An engrossing, epic American drama told from four distinct perspectives, spanning the first major wave of Irish immigration to New York through the end of the Civil War.

Four unique voices; two parallel love stories; one sweeping novel rich in the history of nineteenth-century America. This remarkable debut draws from the great themes of literature—famine, war, love, and family—as it introduces four unforgettable characters. Ethan McOwen is an Irish immigrant whose endurance is tested in Brooklyn and the Five Points at the height of its urban destitution; he is among the first to join the famed Irish Brigade and becomes a celebrated war photographer. Marcella, a society girl from Spain, defies her father to become a passionate abolitionist. Mary and Micah are slaves of varying circumstances, who form an instant connection and embark on a tumultuous path to freedom.

All four lives unfold in two beautiful love stories, which eventually collide. Written in gorgeous language that subtly captures the diverse backgrounds of the characters, and interspersed with letters, journals, and dreams, this unforgettable story, rendered in cinematic detail, is about having faith in life's great meaning amidst its various tangles.

Thanks to Doubleday I have 2 copies of this book to giveaway. To enter you must be a follower of my blog, say so in the comment and leave an email where I can reach you. To receive extra entries you can 1.tweet about this giveaway THEN come back and leave an EXTRA comment. 2. Blog about this giveaway and COME back and leave an EXTRA comment. This giveaway will start today Friday, 3/2 and I will pull a winner on Friday, 3/30. GOOD LUCK!!!!! The winners will have 48 hours after I contact them to email me with their mailing address. You must leave an email address in your original comment or I will delete it!


Linda said...

Definitely a book of great interest to me. Please enter me. Thank you!

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I would love to win a copy of this book.

I am a GFC follower

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

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