Thursday, September 8, 2011

Edge of Grace - Reviewed

Book Description: In a matter of seconds her entire world shifted...

An early morning call shatters Caryn Becker's world. Her brother David announces that he is gay, and Caryn completely rejects the one person who stood beside her during her husband's illness and death. Unable to cope with David's news, Caryn disappears into her own turbulent life as a single mom and new business owner.

When David is attacked and nearly killed, his partner asks for Caryn's help. She reluctantly agrees to work with David's lawyer on the case. When her catering business suffers because of David's lifestyle, Caryn is forced to make the hardest choices about family, faith, and her own future, while exploring the grace of forgiveness and acceptance.

My Thoughts: I could so identify with Caryn. The only difference it wasn't my brother, it was my daughter. I said and did somethings that I am not proud of. In the midst of all that was going on the Lord got a hold of my heart and let me know that He loved my daughter, and I had no right to pass judgement on her. It was a hard pill for me to swallow yet once I did, I felt so free! I was able to accept her for who she was and love her. I have a beautiful relationship with her and her partner and I couldn't be prouder of her.
Caryn had to make a choice in this book whether she was going to accept her brother for who he was or walk away from him. Watching the struggle that Caryn goes through from the moment she finds out about David until she meets Max, David's partner is a powerful journey that God used to bring Caryn to her knees. I highly recommend this book. I give it a lighthouse and shine a light on it for pointing a path to God! Great job Christa!!!!

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