Friday, June 17, 2011

The Hidden Gifts of Helping Reviewed

Book Description: “In an elegant and thoughtful reflection on his family’s move from their settled life in Ohio to their new home in New York, Stephen Post uncovers “hidden gifts” among life-changing challenges. As one of America’s most knowledgeable philosophers and scholars of the interrelated roles of altruism, love and compassion in spiritual and physical wellness, Dr. Post brings years of scientific inquiry into critical dialogue with his own family crisis of transition, change and adaptation. The result is an educational and inspirational chronicle that grounds the foundational belief that helping others does heal and transform human life. The Hidden Gifts of Helping& offers renewed meaning to the biblical maxim that “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

—(Proverbs 11:25)” —The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J., Ph.D., President & CEO, HealthCare Chaplaincy

My Thoughts: We all go through difficult times, or things that are unpleasant. In this little book Stephen Post shows how to uncover the gifts in the life changing challenges. This is quite the insightful book and very encouraging. I highly recommend it.

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