Monday, July 26, 2010


Attorney Andy Carpenter is about to represent an adorable Bernese mountain dog puppy, whose owner was brutally murdered, in a custody fight. Few can rival Andy's affection for dogs, and he's determined to keep Waggy from falling into the wrong hands. But this playful pup possesses a valuable secret that some people will resort to violence to obtain. It will take more than Andy's usual courtroom theatrics to save Waggy, including help from the lawyer's golden retriever, Tara. Andy soon discovers that everyone around him is in danger, including his longtime girlfriend, Laurie--and only some high-risk new tricks will save those he cherishes most.

Thanks to Hachette publishing I have 2 copies of this book to give away. The rules are the same, in case you're new or need reminding here they are. The same rules apply here they are in case you are new or you have forgotten. NO P.O. boxes and this is open to U.S. and Canada Residents. To enter you must leave your email address. If you do not your entry will be deleted. To receive extra entries you can do the following . . . 1. if you are already follower of this blog say so in your original comment; DO NOT LEAVE AN ADDITONAL COMMENT. 2. If you are a NEW follower leave an additional comment. 3. Tweet about this on twitter, and leave an additional comment with the link. 4. Blog about this giveaway and leave the link. This giveaway will start today, Monday, July 26th and I will use a randomizer and pull the winners on Monday, August 16th. The winners will have 48 hrs to email me their address after I notify them of their win. GOOD LUCK!


rubynreba said...

This sounds like a very good book. I love animal stories.
I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win New Tricks. I love pups and murders in novels.


Tea said...

I tweeted about the giveaway.

Tea said...

I blogged about the giveaway here at Radiant Light. My blog

links back to you here.

AnnMarie Little said...

Sounds like another good read.

I am a follower.

Martha Lawson said...

I would love to read this one. Please enter me.

I am an old follower on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Cindy W. said...

Oh, I so want this book. I love dogs. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Cindy W.


Anonymous said...

I love to read books about dogs. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contests.

I am an old follower.


Andie said...

I would love to read this book.

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