Saturday, June 6, 2009


I haven't done this in awhile. I have been busy getting ready for my move across country. Here is this weeks question posed by Amy.

The Christian Lit Blogosphere covers quite a diversity of books as the genre itself continues to expand. Quite frankly, I think there need to be more Christian Book Awards and so I'm going to use Faith 'n' Fiction Saturdays to launch some internet based awards for the best in Christian Lit!

I need your help! Today's task is to help me brainstorm the necessary categories. Don't put your nominations down yet...just the categories of awards you'd like to see! (for example, historical fiction, Romantic Suspense, etc.) We can have some and different categories as well... we won't take ourselves too seriously.

I need your help! I really want these awards to mean something, so in addition to your participation today, can you please help spread the word? We want as many people as possible to be involved. So here's what I'm looking for today:

1) Categories you'd like to see
2) If you want to help with behind the scenes organizational stuff.

Here are the categories I'd like to see for internet based awards.

A. Historical fiction

B. Amish fiction

C. Spiritual suspense

D. Chick - Lit fiction

E . Suspense

F. Real life Fiction

G. First time published

Adding to that I liked what Christy @ CrittyJoy had to say so I'm seconding her. . . . Favorite character, character you love to hate . . .favorite author.
The book that kept you up all night, book you'd like to be a character in. Fiction that made us ponder.

Amy's asked us to not "award" books YET . . . however I could put books in each of the categories. I think having internet based awards would be really fun! We read the books, and review them; so why not give out awards.


Anonymous said...

:) I am so glad you liked my ideas...I had so much fun thinking of them...I definitely had some ideas for that character you loved to hate category :)

I like all the different categories you thought of for favorites....I did not think of some of those categories...good stuff :)

Anonymous said...

Good list! I hadn't even thought of B and G.

Got my contribution up also. :)

The Old Silly from Free Spirit Blog

Jessica Thomas said...

Amish fiction...very interesting...

Jenny said...

Great idea for the first time fiction - would be a great boost for a new author.

Blessings & happy reading!

Refreshment in Refuge said...

What about Christian Science Fiction? There are some very good Sci Fi out there.

This sounds like lots of fun. If I can help, I'll be glad too!

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