Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Personal Preview of City Of The Dead by T.L. Higley

Watch for my review of this book coming within the next few weeks. Leave a comment about your most memorable vacation ever. The more comments the more chances of winning the books! And I know you will love this book!


Patty said...

great video..sound s like a book Iwould love..thanks for the chance.
Patty wolfie53 at

Cathy Bryant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy Bryant said...

Sorry, I had a typo in my first post that caused the message to not make sense. Let me try again...

I'm not sure it counts as a vacation, but this past December I traveled with 14 other people on a mission trip to China. I was fascinated by the culture. The Chinese people are very gracious and hospitable, and we were treated like royalty in our stay there. It's interesting to learn how people are all alike in many respects, but how we also have very many cultural differences. For example, if you hand someone something in China, it is considered rude to offer it with only one hand. You give and receive with both hands, not one.

Thanks for the opportunity to win free books for my blog, WordVessel. I often do book reviews, book giveaways, and author interviews.

Cathy Bryant
catbry1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a very intriguing book and series. I think it would be nice to travel to other countries and see the many sights, but first I would like to travel the United States. I live in the midwest, traveled to the south and a little to the west (Las Vegas),but still have much to see!
Thanks Andi, for the opportunity to win this book! Julie (JDobs at FR)

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