Saturday, March 7, 2009

FAITH 'N FICTION SATURDAY: Guess the book . . .

It is Saturday and time for Faith 'N Fiction with my friend Amy. Today's topic is a game of sorts.

Today's Topic
I decided to do something totally different today and have a little game. It might be kind of difficult, so I'm urging you to choose books you think a lot of people have read.

In six words or less, describe one or two of your favorite books. The book should be published for the Christian marketplace or be considered a Christian classic. You cannot include words from the titles or the names of the characters. For example, if I chose A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman, I might use the following six words: World War I, Sisters, Love, Ireland, Newspaper. If you like, though, you can make it into a sentence that describes what the book is about. But you can't use more than six words! Then we'll each go around and try to guess each other's books. I will give a ten dollar Amazon gift certificate to one person who correctly guesses one of my books. (you don't have to do this obviously) If all else fails and you can't guess what the books are you can always try google or amazon!

1. death, road trip, island, journal.

2. crime, young girl, two handsome brothers.

Name the books . . .


Anonymous said...

I have no idea. But they both sound interesting with the key words you chose!

Great game and challenge today, although I must admit I'm feeling a little stupid (smile) - batting zero so far.

Anyone who hasn't seen my post yet at Free Spirit, it's at-

Stormi said...

no clue...I am like Marvin and batting for But he is right they do sound interesting.


Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I have guessed at a grand total of one today!!

Guess the Book

Nise' said...

No clue either. But #2 sounds intriguing.

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...