Tuesday, January 6, 2009


HEY ALL YOU JAMES PATTERSON FANS!!!! GOOD NEWS!!!! I got contacted by the publisher that they have extra copies of this book and they are giving it away. I am hosting a give away on my blog. I will be giving away 5 copies to 5 lucky winners. Just post a comment between now and Tuesday, the 13th of January. This give away is open to US and Canada. I need you to leave your email address in your comment so that I can get a hold of you. If you are from FR just leave your name and @ FR and I'll know how to get a hold of you. Good luck to all!


As a little girl, Jane has no one. Her mother, the powerful head of a Broadway theater company, has no time for her. She does have one friend-a handsome, comforting, funny man named Michael-but only she can see him.

Years later, Jane is in her thirties and just as alone as ever. Then she meets Michael again-as handsome, smart and perfect as she remembers him to be. But not even Michael knows the reason they've really been reunited.

SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S is a love story with an irresistible twist, a novel about the child inside all of us-and the boundary-crossing power of love.


WandaH said...

This is exciting! I have been looking forward to reading this book and reliving my childhood love (with was a real boy)

mamakane said...

Please include me in the drawing.

hugbandit7 said...

I would love to win!!!

Leslie aka hugbandit7 at FR

Judy said...

Oh, Andi, how exciting, I am a BIG fan of James Patterson, with exception of Maximum Ride series...I have all of his books except his last few, I would love Sunday at Tiffany's....Please include me in the drawing.
judy/chocolate (frugal reader)

JoanneR said...

Andi, Thank you for the opportunity!

Joanne aka JoanneR at FR

Jeb said...

This looks like a good book...count me in!

Jeb aka booksgaloire

winnie said...

Andi please enter me in your drawing..the book sounds awesome and I would love to read it ..
Patty mamw2skyjax at Fr..thanks

Jennifer said...

I would love, love, love to win a copy of this books! Please include me in the drawing! I will post a link to your contest on my blog. :)

Jennifer (kairilily @ FR)

BookHounds said...

I didn't know you had a blog -- I list you on my links!

Lenda said...

Andie ~~ I would love to win a copy of this book. It looks like a great read. Thanks so much, Lenda@ FR

Pamela S said...

Ooooh....this is an exciting giveaway!!! I'd love to win it! Thanks

Pam (aliadam from FR)

Tommi said...

Hi Andi! What a great contest!!!! Please add me to your drawing!
tjones - FR

nomadreader said...

I've got this book on my TBR list, and I'd love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andi,
Please enter me in your drawing!
James Patterson is one of my favorite authors. Lisa, WA

Anonymous said...

HI Andi! I would love to be entered in your drawing!! Thanks, Kari (FR)

Anonymous said...

I adore Patterson...thanks for the opportunity to participate in the drawing you are hosting! Good luck "me," lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is such a great giveaway. Thank you for doing this. I would be tickled pink if I won this.
Please enter me.

ConnieJ from FR

Anonymous said...

I love James Patterson and would love to actually win one of his books! Please count me in! Thanks!

Lorlyn at TeeBeeDee

apoland said...

Interesting promotion.

silly59840 said...

Hi Andi, I am have only recently discovered James Patterson and I love him! This book sounds really intriguing. Thank you for offering it and please put me on the drawing list.

Beverly aka silly59840

Anonymous said...

Andi, you always have the coolest things happening!! Thanks for doing this drawing.


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I'd love to win this book too. Yippe for this giveaway

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Coutn me in.

zmtc21 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love all of Patterson's books--this one sounds like a winner, too!

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