Monday, December 8, 2008

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

Quills And Promises

Barbour Publishing, Inc (May 28, 2008)


Amber Miller


Hi, I'm Amber, but my friends call me Tiff, short for Tiffany, my first name. I am in my 30's, married the love of my life in July 2007, and live in beautiful Colorado just east of the Front Range of the Rockies, but I love to travel and visit new places. Ultimately, my dream is to own horses and live in a one-level rancher or log cabin nestled in the foothills of the mountains. For now, I will remain where I am and do what I love—design web sites and write.

Amber's very first book, Promises, Promises, released in February 2008. It's a historical fiction set in Delaware during the Colonial period and the Great Awakening. The other 2 books in the series are this current one, Quills And Promises (July 2008) and Deceptive Promises (December 2008). In 2009, they will be repackaged for a state set entitled Delaware Brides. She has also sold another series set in historical Michigan during the Industrial Revolution. The 3 books in that series will begin releasing in May 2009 and will be repackaged in 2010 as Michigan Brides.


-- Separated from Madison when he leaves to fight the French and Indians, Elanna Hanssen must choose between her heart and her head, especially when Madison's integrity is questioned. --

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not until thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Innocence paired with wisdom beyond her years. With these traits, Elanna Hanssen unwittingly captures the attentions of Major Madison Scott. Her honest desire to understand the war fascinates him, and he resolves to get to know this perspicacious young lady better. When his military duty separates them, they begin a correspondence, cautiously baring their hearts to each other. Elanna has never known emotions like this before, but she is drawn to the integrity she sees in her major. Wh a local news reporter questions the major's credentials and activities, however, will she allow her heart or her head to rule? Can true love grow over such distance and around such obstacles?

If you'd like to read the first chapter of Quills And Promises, go HERE.

Tiffany Amber Miller writes a beautiful book. Elanna goes into town to meet her best friend Chelcy, what she isn't expecting is to meet Chelcy's dashing cousin Major Madison Scott. They are both taken with each other. The French and Indian war is just beginning and Madison has go and join his company in Boston. Elanna sneaks to town to listen to every word that is going on in the meeting in town about the war. Little does she know that Madison didn't actually leave, he had other business to attend to before leaving for Boston. They agree to write. Keeping their letters very proper for fear that someone may get a hold of them and make trouble for them. Trouble does arise and when it does, it is handled with God's most perfect grace. I highly recommend this book. I give it a lighthouse, and shine a light on it for a great book!


Tiffany Amber Stockton said...

Thank you so much, Andie. Great to hear you enjoyed the book, and I loved your review. God's abundant grace does indeed touch our lives, and I couldn't do anything less than show that in this book. Appreciate the lighthouse light shining. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm sorry you thought I attacked the book because I was far from it. Did you not see Tiff's comment? She seemed ok about it. I actually refrained from mentioning that I'd read the first few pages and it was driving me crazy! This is not a criticism of her writing abilities but these books are consistently just not my thing. This is also the reason that I mentioned I was going to lend it to my younger sister (she's 17) who I think will like it! There was no criticism or attack in my review so I'm a little puzzled that you felt so strongly but I'm glad that you liked the book and was able to give it a glowing review. I do feel bad when I have to say that I wasn't into a book...but I can't lie...and I have way too many books to read at the moment to spend time reading ones that are hard work or unenjoyable to me. sorry. :)

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