Thursday, July 24, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Please keep this family in your prayers!

This came in on Tuesday from my friend Vicky at FR, her stepson who she's raised since he was six until 23 was in a motorcycle accident on Friday, and is in a coma. The neurosurgeon says they will keep him in a drug induced coma for approximately 2 weeks due to the severity of his brain injury. Even if he does pull out of this, they are sure he will have long term headaches and memory loss.
So if you have a minute and believe, please say a quick prayer for Chad.
Thank you, Vicky

Today Vicky posted this . . .
I am very sad to say that they have decided to pull all support from Chad this evening and are saying that he will only survive a day or two at the most. The procedures today did nothing to help and they are saying only a 10% chance of not being a vegetable if he would ever even wake up.

Please keep up the prayers up for the family. We need them. Vicky

Please pray for this family as they go through this horrible time. May God wrap His arms of love around them and be their comfort in this time.

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