Monday, March 24, 2008


This is the first year I will be participating in Katrina's Spring Reading Challenge. So make your book lists, get out the lawn chairs, and prepare to sit back and enjoy the warm spring weather.

Spring Reading Thing 2008 is simply an opportunity for you to set some reading goals, share them with the blogosphere, and work toward them this spring. Perhaps you want to add some variety to your fiction reading. Or maybe you've had very good intentions as far as reading that book on budgeting or marriage or starting a home business, haven't even cracked the cover yet. Some might want to read more with their children; others might feel guilty for never having read Wuthering Heights.
Or maybe you just love to read and want to share your reading list and check out everyone else's.

Here are the books that I hope to get through this spring:

General Fiction

Celebutantes - Amanda Goldberg
Still Summer - Jacquelyn Mitchard
Lost & Found - Carolyn Parkhurst
Black Olives - Martha Tod Dudman
Obedience - Will Lavendar
Bridge of Sighs - Richard Russo
The Wednesday Letters - Jason F. Wright
Becky - Lenore Hart
Rhett Butler's People - Donald McCaig
Change of Heart - Jodi Picoult
Light of the Moon - Luanne Rice

Christian Fiction

When Zefty Got a Clue - Peggy Darty
Amber Morn - Brandilyn Collins
Trouble The Water - Nicole Seitz
My Soul To Keep - Melanie Wells
Winter Haven - Athol Dickson
The Warriors - Mark Andrew Olsen
The Blue Bottle Club - Penelope Stokes
Stuck In The Middle - Virginia Smith
Sister's Inc - Rebeca Seitz

A total of 20 books. As I finish each book I will be posting a review and possible give away so keep your eyes open for those.


Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Many of these books and authors are new to me. I like Jodi Picoult, and I want to read Melanie Wells (she's popping up on lots of lists this spring). Thanks for joining SRT '08. Enjoy your reading!

Nise' said...

I loved The Blue Bottle Club. Looking forward to your reviews.

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