Friday, September 23, 2016

First Line Friday

This is my first week participating in First Line Friday with a group of bloggers. My book choice this week is A Royal Christmas wedding by Rachel Hauck.

Isn't this cover gorgeous! Perfect for Christmas!

It releases October 18th. Here is the back cover description. . .

It’s been five years since Avery Truitt and Prince Colin of Brighton Kingdom fell in love. But he broke her heart with no explanation.

Fast forward to present day, and Colin is Brighton’s most eligible bachelor now that cousin Stephen has married. When Avery’s father dies of a heart attack, she puts her life on hold and returns home to St. Simons Island, Georgia, to help Mama with the family restaurant. But Mama misses Avery’s sister Susanna, who lives four thousand miles away in Brighton Kingdom—and is expecting her first child. So Mama insists she and Avery spend the Christmas season in Brighton.

Colin and Avery are going to see each other a lot while she’s visiting. But she can’t forget the way he hurt her, and he didn’t expect his feelings to still be so strong.

Avery is torn between considering a future in Brighton and taking a coaching job in Georgia, and Colin is finally pushed to pursue what he really wants. Is it too late to convince Avery that she is his true love? And even if he does, will she make it to the chapel on Christmas Day to give him her heart?

First Line . . .

If she closed her eyes, she could pretend nothing had changed at the Rib Shack since Daddy died.

For more fun, follow the links below to read their first line and add yours in the comment section


Caryl Kane said...

Hello Andi! I'm looking forward to reading A Royal Christmas Wedding.

This book stems from an extraordinary dream I had in early 1995. - The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

Beth Erin said...

Welcome, Andi!!! I am looking forward to reading A Royal Christmas Wedding!

Monte Carlo, Monaco
Late August 1910
“Temptation sat before her, compelling as the sea.”
The Lost Heiress by Roseanna M. White

Sydney Anderson said...

I have seen this book around. It looks like a fun one! :)

My first line:

Summer 1996
Heart’s Bend, Tennesee

The scent of rain laced teh afternoon breeze as it shoved through summer-green trees, ramming ominous black clouds together like a craggy mountain ridge.
~The Wedding Shop by Rachel Hauck

MeezCarrie said...

Welcome to FLF, Andi! :) I love that book cover - it's so pretty, isn't it? My first line at the moment is from Mattie's Pledge by Jan Drexler - "Mattie." Yep. LOL. that's the first line ;)

Bookworm Mama said...

Welcome Andi! My son picked out my book: Charles Dickens; Four Complete Novels...So I am sharing a first line on each blog..."It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season if Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of compassion only." A Tale of Two Cities. Boy that was a long one haha

Anne Rightler said...

There were few better pleasures in life, thought Jane Darling, than to sit on the screened side porch on a Saturday morning in June, in the white wicker chair, with her coffee and oatmeal and listen to the day wake up around here. (whew–long first sentence–almost the whole first paragraph too!)
They Danced On by Carre Armstrong Gardner

Andi said...

Thanks for the welcome guys!

Carrie, I agree the cover is beautiful!
How fun, Rachel! No more kiddos at home, wonder what my granddaughter, Nani would choose for me!
Anne, that's a great first line. I'll have to check that one out.
Sydney, I loved the Wedding Shop! A great book by Rachel!

Janet W. Ferguson said...

Hi, It's fun to find your blog! So pretty! I just got Close to You in the Mail! The Pathetic state of Allision Shire's existence was perfectly summed up by the size-twelve prosthetic fee mocking her from the floor of the Mercedes minibus.
I also have a few novels you can review if you want, LOL! :)

Anne Payne said...

Rachel's book sounds good. I love Christmas stories, especially weddings!

Tuxedo Park, New York
November 1,1900

(quote from an etiquette book -- I'm not counting it as a first line)

She felt his gaze upon her from the instant she stepped into the clubhouse ballroom. --The Honorable Heir by Laurie Alice Eakes

Following your blog now too!

Andi said...

Janet and Anne thanks for stopping by! Janet I'm always looking for a new author to review for, I'll contact you.

Thanks for following!

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