Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Bones Will Speak by Carrie Stuart Parks

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Bones Will Speak
Thomas Nelson (August 11, 2015)
Carrie Stuart Parks


Carrie Stuart Parks is an award-winning fine artist and internationally known forensic artist. Along with her husband, Rick, she travels across the US and Canada teaching courses in forensic art to law enforcement as well as civilian participants. She has won numerous awards for career excellence. Carrie is a popular platform speaker, presenting a variety of topics from crime to creativity.

Animals have always been a large part of her life. Her parents, Ned and Evelyn Stuart, started Skeel Kennel Great Pyrenees in 1960. Carrie inherited the kennel and continues with her beloved dogs as both an AKC judge and former president of the Great Pyrenees Club of America. She lives on the same ranch she grew up on in Northern Idaho.


A killer with a penchant for torture has taken notice of forensic expert Gwen Marcey . . . and her daughter.
When Gwen Marcey’s dog comes home with a human skull and then leads her to a cabin in the woods near her Montana home, she realizes there’s a serial killer in her community. And when she finds a tortured young girl clinging to life on the cabin floor, she knows this killer is a lunatic.

Yet what unsettles Gwen most is that the victim looks uncannily like her daughter. The search for the torturer leads back in time to a neo-Nazi bombing in Washington state—a bombing with only one connection to Montana: Gwen. The group has a race-not-grace model of salvation . . . and they’ve marked Gwen as a race traitor. When it becomes clear that the killer has a score to settle, Gwen finds herself in a battle against time. She will have to use all of her forensic skills to find the killer before he can carry out his threat to destroy her—and the only family she has left.

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Bones Will Speak, go HERE.

My Take~

I used to read Patricia Cornwall religiously, but I got tired of all the bad language so I haven't read anything like that since. Carrie Stuart Parks is a new author to me and I enjoyed her latest book The Bones Will Speak, it had all of the great forensic elements without the rotten language. The suspense and mystery had me on the edge of my seat and I liked the forensic artist angle, it was something I hadn't read before.

Highly recommended!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Flames by Ginny Yttrup

I preserve legacies...

So begins the story of Jessica Weaver—wife, mother, and fire archeologist. Preserving Yosemite National Park's natural and cultural resources is Jessica's job. Preserving her family's legacy is her obsession. But when she discovers her husband's infidelity, betrayal’s flames threaten her family and all she's fought to protect.

Haley Weaver, a sophomore in high school, is a daddy's girl. As she enters the throes of first love, timid yet intrigued, Haley also discovers her father's affair. Stunned and broken, Haley flees into the wilds of Yosemite National Park. If she can't trust her father, how can she trust her boyfriend—or even love itself?

When wildfire breaks out and Haley is missing, Jessica fears the worst. In a race against time, she searches for her daughter as she deals with the magnitude of what her husband's affair may cost her family. How can she go on if she doesn’t find Haley in time?

And what will Jessica do to preserve the legacy that matters most?

About Ginny:

Ginny is the award-winning author of Words, Lost and Found, Invisible, and Flames which releases September 22, 2015. She writes contemporary women's fiction and enjoys exploring the issues everyday women face. Publishers Weekly dubbed Ginny's work "as inspiring as it is entertaining." When not writing, Ginny coaches writers, critiques manuscripts, and makes vintage-style jewelry for her Esty shop, Storied Jewelry. She loves dining with friends, hanging out with her adult sons, or spending a day in her pajamas reading a great novel. Ginny lives in northern California with Bear, her entitled Pomeranian. To learn more about Ginny and her work, visit www.ginnyyttrup.com.

My Thoughts:

I felt like I was reading part of my life as I read Flames. I saw myself in Jessica and my daughter in Haley. The pain that Ginny expressed in the book is real, and it is horrible. The only way that I got through it was with God. I'd still be a big angry mess if not for Him.
The characters were real, as were their feelings. Watching the characters deal with everything happening to them was encouraging, in that if they could do it so could you.
This is a great book and highly recommended!

The opportunity to write is the fulfillment of a life-long dream. Through the tumultuous years of my childhood, I lost myself in the stories I read. There, in the world of fiction, I escaped the trauma I faced and found a place of safety and rest. Now, I’m the one writing the stories that I hope provide a place of rest for others. - See more at: http://ginnyyttrup.com/meet-ginny/#sthash.GEBHiUyi.dpuf
The opportunity to write is the fulfillment of a life-long dream. Through the tumultuous years of my childhood, I lost myself in the stories I read. There, in the world of fiction, I escaped the trauma I faced and found a place of safety and rest. Now, I’m the one writing the stories that I hope provide a place of rest for others. - See more at: http://ginnyyttrup.com/meet-ginny/#sthash.GEBHiUyi.dpuf

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Mistress of Tall Acre by Laura Frantz

The American Revolution is finally over, and Sophie Menzies is starved for good news. When her nearest neighbor, General Seamus Ogilvy, finally comes home to Tall Acre, she hopes it is a sign of better days to come. But the general is now a widower with a small daughter in desperate need of a mother. Nearly destitute, Sophie agrees to marry Seamus and become the mistress of Tall Acre in what seems a safe, sensible arrangement. But when a woman from the general's past returns without warning, the ties that bind this fledgling family together will be strained to the utmost. When all is said and done, who will be the rightful mistress of Tall Acre?

Triumph and tragedy, loyalty and betrayal--readers find it all in the rich pages of this newest historical novel from the talented pen of Laura Frantz. Her careful historical details immerse the reader in the story world, and her emotional writing and finely tuned characters never cease to enchant fans both old and new.

 About Laura:

I was born and raised in Kentucky, living first in Ashland, Mammoth Cave, Bowling Green, and then Lexington. But my heart has always been in Berea, Madison County, the place my family has resided since the 18th-century. I came to know Christ there at the age of 12, was baptized, and spent my childhood roaming through the woods and swimming in the rivers of my books.
My earliest memories are of the public library, standing in front of shelves filled with those little biographies of famous historical figures like Daniel Boone and George Washington and Sacajawea. I began scribbling stories at age 7 and thankfully never stopped. My passion then and now is history and all the wonders of past centuries.
I attended college at Denison University in Ohio and also in England, living in a manor/castle and studying the American Revolution from the British perspective. Shakespeare and 18th-century literature form the backbone of my English degree. Strangely enough, I only took one creative writing class.
It was never a desire of mine to be published. I simply love to write for the sheer joy of writing – and that was enough. But as Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
I hope my books bless you.

My Thoughts:

Laura's new book, The Mistress of Tall Acre is my absolute favorite book she has written. I love books with kids in it and Lily Cate is the sweetest little girl ever. Her relationship with Sophie is precious, the moment Lily Cate meets Sophie she becomes her little shadow and wants to be with her all the time, they bond instantly.
As the story progressed my heart ached for Seamus, Sophie and Lily Cate. Nothing about this wonderful story is predictable, I was completely taken by surprise at the mystery and suspense Laura put in the story.
If you enjoy a good historical romance this is a must read.
I highly recommend this book!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To Get To You by Joanne Bischof

To get to the girl he loves, Riley Kane must head off on a road trip with the father he never knew. Then pray for a miracle.

Most teens would love to have a pro surfer for a dad. Just not Riley. Abandoned as a kid, he hates the sound of the ocean and the man who gave himself to it.

When the eighteen-year-old learns that his best friend is stranded at a New Mexico hospital as her father fights for his life, Riley hits the highway to head east. But when his Jeep breaks down before he even leaves California, he must rely on the one man he despises to get to the girl who needs him the most. And when it comes to the surfer with the Volkswagen van and dog-eared map, a thousand miles may–or may not–be enough to heal the past.

A story of new beginnings and second chances.

 Christy Award-finalist and author of The Cadence of Grace series and This Quiet Sky, Joanne Bischof has a deep passion for heartfelt stories that shine light on God’s grace and goodness. She lives in the mountains of Southern California with her husband and their three children.

My Thoughts:

This was the first book of Joanne's that I have read and it won't be my last. This new book by Joanne the main character, Riley has to come to terms with his father leaving him and his mother. During the course of the road trip to New Mexico to help out Riley's girlfriend and her family, Riley learns about his dad and it opens the door for them to rebuild their relationship.
I loved how honest Joanne wrote. I could definitely feel the tension between Riley and his dad, and then watched it begin to melt away as they got to know each other.
This was a book about redemption, forgiveness, and new beginnings. 

My Virtual Road Trip:

If you could take a road trip with anyone, who would it be?  My husband, Mark. We've only been married for four years so I think it would be fun to go somewhere together.

Where would you go and why? I say Texas and Florida. Texas because his older sister lives there, and I have cousins and my birth family lives there. Florida because I graduated from high school there and I want to see all my friends and introduce him to them.

What would you drive? I say we'd drive a sweet 64 Shelby Mustang. Not a lot of room for luggage but we'd arrive in style.

What snacks would you eat?  Hmmm  . . . trail mix, chocolate of course, and fruit. Have to have some healthy stuff too.

What music would you listen to? That's easy, Country!!!

So, what would be your virtual road trip? Answer in the comments.



Sunday, September 13, 2015

Eve by Wm. Paul Young

The Shack shattered our limited perceptions about God. Eve will destroy harmful misconceptions about ourselves.

From the author of the 25-million copy bestseller The Shack comes a captivating new novel destined to be one of the most important and talked-about books of the decade.

When a shipping container washes ashore on an island between our world and the next, John the Collector finds a young woman inside--broken, frozen, and barely alive. With the aid of Healers and Scholars, John oversees her recovery and soon discovers her genetic code connects her to every known human race. She is a girl of prophecy and no one can guess what her survival will mean...

No one but Eve, Mother of the Living, who calls her daughter and invites her to witness the truth about her story--indeed, the truth about us all.

Eve is a bold, unprecedented exploration of the Creation narrative, true to the original texts and centuries of scholarship, yet with breathtaking discoveries that challenge traditional misconceptions about who we are and how we're made. As The Shack awakened readers to a personal, non-religious understanding of God, Eve will free us from faulty interpretations that have corrupted human relationships since the Garden of Eden.

Eve opens a refreshing conversation about the equality of men and women within the context of our beginnings, helping us see each other as our Creator does--complete, unique, and not constrained to cultural rules or limitations.

Thoroughly researched and exquisitely written, Eve is a masterpiece that will inspire readers for generations to come.

William Paul Young was the eldest of four, born May 11, 1955, in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, but the majority of his first decade was lived with his missionary parents in the highlands of Netherlands New Guinea (West Papua), among the Dani, a technologically stone age tribal people. These became his family and as the first white child and outsider who ever spoke their language, he was granted unusual access into their culture and community. By the time he was six, he was flown away to a boarding school.

My Thoughts:

If you know me out of all of the books I've read and reviewed in the last eight years the one that I couldn't stand was The Shack. I was asked to read and review Eve and I thought I'd give Young another chance. 
I'm not exactly sure what his idea or purpose was with this book, I do think he was trying to step into the Dystopian world, but it just didn't hit the mark.There were parts of the book that were good, mainly he was way too wordy. It got to the point where I'd skim over parts because there were too many words. 
It wasn't horrible, I just didn't like it as much as I wanted too.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chasing Happy by Ann Lee Miller

After an epic fail in the hetero world, Ash Jackson heads cross country to Arizona to figure out his bisexuality and make peace with himself and God.
Nashville Star Samma Templeton’s music career bankrolls her future husband’s political campaigns. But she throws up before every concert and feels relegated to an item on the senator’s calendar.
When Ash moves into Samma’s apartment building their childhood friendship resurrects, and Samma must choose between promoting a political agenda that will benefit millions or following her heart. Ash must face his inner demons for the girl who was his past and feels like his future.

About this author

Ann Lee Miller earned a BA in creative writing from Ashland (OH) University and writes full-time in Phoenix, but left her heart in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where she grew up. She loves speaking to young adults and guest lectures on writing at several Arizona colleges. When she isn’t writing or muddling through some crisis—real or imagined—you’ll find her hiking in the Superstition Mountains with her husband or meddling in her kids’ lives

My Thoughts:
Ann tackled a very big controversial issue in this book, and I give her props for doing so.
A young man struggling with his sexuality, believing he is gay because his father came out and left him and his mother.
The story was good, characters Ash and Samma are dimensional and believable. The biggest issue that I have with this book overall is that for more than half of the book all Ash is worried about is whether or not his body will respond to a female. I felt like I was reading soft porn and honestly was sick to my stomach and didn't want to pick it up again. I am glad that I did finish it, Ann did a good job pulling it all together.
While this is about a young adult, in my opinion this is not a book for young adults. 

Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...