Friday, July 29, 2011

Safe From The Past ~ Reviewed

A kidnapping, the divorce of her parents, the loss of her father, temporary abandonment and extreme poverty are just some of the issues the author dealt with as a young child.

Her mother finally tells her she must go to college so she can break out of this cycle of poverty and hopelessness. But how can she when she has no money and absolutely no confidence or self esteem?

Read this true story to discover what hope, faith and determination can do to change a life.

A truly inspiring, deeply personal tale of perseverance in the face of unimaginable hardships, Safe from the Past makes clear the restorative power of an education.

Told in an open, honest voice with the deepest sincerity, the author's life story serves as a rousing inspiration to those with the desire to create a better life than the one they are currently living.

No matter how helpless you feel, everyone has the power to shape their own life.

Patricia worked in New York City's financial district for thirteen years in the field of securities operations. At that time, she went on to obtain an MBA from New York University. She and her husband moved to Dallas, TX in 2001 where they are raising their two children.

During her time in NY, Patricia wrote an article entitled "A Tribute To My Mother" which was published in "The Recovery Journal" in 1999. Her book is a continuation of that tribute and serves to spread the message to those in similar situations that good news is on its way to children considering a higher education but who are afraid to dream. For more information please visit,

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Every day children go to school hungry, have hidden from their parents fighting, are tired from listening to drunken parents coming in at all hours of the night in a fit of rage. Patricia takes you inside the walls of the life of a child, and what it was like, how each day was a struggle to survive. In her poignant story we watch her struggle through daily life and on to college which her mother wanted her to go, and the struggles she had there. This is a story of hope through perseverance! One in which you will see the hand of God in every turn, even when you don't think He's there. I can't recommend this book enough!

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