Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heading Home ~ Reviewed

“Eight years is a long time—from saying good-bye as kids to saying hello as adults.” This is the first thought to cross A.J. Digulio’s mind after leaving Italy and returning to the home of her heart, Indian Island, Idaho. When she gets her first glimpse of her childhood friend Danny, A.J. knows immediately that much has changed in her absence. Renee Riva’s latest release, Heading Home, draws her readers into the heart of the Digulio family as A.J. discovers that one of the key elements of a lifelong relationship is a love that will anchor your heart and draw you toward home.

Angelina Digulio’s heart has been tenderly tied to Indian Island through a series of letters that Danny has written on behalf of her dog, Sailor, throughout her eight years in Italy. Although the initial reunion with Danny is sweet, at the ages of eighteen and twenty-two, it isn’t long before Danny and A.J. realize that the future of their hearts and the reality of their plans could very possibly take them in very different directions. While Danny explores the possibility of creating a series of summer camps for church groups and introducing a new Indian princess to the island, A.J. begins spending time with the nuns at Our Lady of the Lake in an attempt to fulfill a promise she made to God several years ago. What neither of them realize is that their dreams for the future are more entwined than they could ever believe possible.

Fans of Renee Riva’s Indian Island trilogy will be delighted to be reunited with the colorful cast of characters from the two previous books, Saving Sailor and Taking Tuscany. As Heading Home progresses, all three branches of the extended families collide—Southern, Italian and Greek!—to create a story that will linger tenderly in your heart for a very long time! There are many tense moments as Danny and A.J. sort through their feelings, and there are many holy moments as each of them come before God with their burdens and trust Him with their future. Hilarity also abounds in this story, especially when the Italian and Greek grandmothers come together!

Heading Home is a story about the very best of what it means to be family. This is a story about beautiful beginnings and happy endings! Fans of Renee Riva will add special memories to their reading collection with the final volume of the Indian Island Trilogy.

My Review: I really liked the first book in the series, but I just couldn't get into this one. It just didn't grab me for some reason. However, if you have enjoyed reading about A.J. and Sailor please give this one a shot, you may enjoy it!

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